
All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix=best cover song ever.

It reminded me of the way Thomas Jane killed the guy that killed his father in The Punisher.

She was messed up the night Liam ODed on what I assumed was coke so it wouldn't surprise me.

There's obviously no reason to keep discussing this if you seriously think someone who is a genius and can ace multiple SATs at will would actually have a problem with entry level classes in college. Even if he had to work harder, he IS working SIGNIFICANTLY harder than before AND getting significantly worse results.

Not even close…..When he was caught taking the test for other people he aced the other test that professor made him take. He also wowed the college recruiter like crazy. He's clearly a genius and I'm hoping you haven't taken entry level classes because they aren't remotely difficult and he would have no problem with

It's also complete bullshit that he went from a guy who could ace the SAT or get whatever score he wanted, at will, to someone who now can barely get passing grades, WHILE TRYING, in 100 level college classes. It's incredibly stupid and nobody talks about it. You don't go from being able to ace the SAT without going

I was singing "You're the best around" song from the Karate Kid but for me it's from the baseball episode of South Park where Randy fights all the drunk dads and eventually BatDad. Randy singing it in a high pitched voice while fighting is freaking hilarious.

"Cocked, locked and ready to rock."