Holiday Rambler

Farewell, sweet prince. Wherever you are.

To go from major surgery to barely-sorta-gingerly handing balls off 18 months later...I mean, this dude is never returning to the days of consistent QB play, right? 

None of those are the “exact” situation. Welker was out for a single series. Adalius Thomas was sent home from practice. Jonas Gray was one of probably 4 RBs on the roster, and was benched for a regular season game. Yes, Bill pulled them in order to impart a “lesson” that they would hopefully retain for future use.


“ throw his power around and establish that rules must be followed no matter who you are or how detrimental the punishment is to the team.

In-laws are 11 hours away. With a toddler, that 11 hour drive is now 15, and requires a hotel stay.

We fly now. When she’s older and can appreciate it, we’ll go back to driving. And I will Clark Griswold the shit out of her. “Kids, we’re only *4* short hours away from the world’s third-largest ball of twine...”

Baja Fresh is gaaaaaaaaaaaarbage, but I love it from time to time. Because it’s there, and my other work options are Subway or Jimmy Johns.

Also: what kind of L.A.-based person would subject a friend to trash like Baja Fresh in a place with such a bounty of taco and burrito options?

For the good of humanity, please get fucked in half.

Ramzan Kadyrov has that “I’ve lived on the same block in the Midwest my entire life, and I’m REALLY into nu-metal despite it being 2018” hair/facial hair look.

“But not too deep.”

Trump was not the president at the time of the interview. The interview happened in September, 2016 — during the campaign.

Maybe Jimmy could’ve, I dunno, taken him to task about any number of disturbing elements of his candidacy and platform, or maybe even more elemental stuff like, you know, how Trump can’t make it

Man, I’m just glad exaggerated nonsense like this doesn’t affect the outcome of games!

Just FYI, if you rearrange the letters in “Corey Lewandowski”, you get “A wily redneck woos.” Which is true. Many rednecks heard this reprehensible shitbag’s comments yesterday and said “HYUCK HYUCK!! WOOOO!!”

America 2018.

Oh yes!

After the ridiculous blowout we had in specific reference to the anthem protests (I won’t even get into how insane he acted that day), he, I, my wife, and my mother-in-law all realized that we should never, ever talk about social issues or politics again.

Yep. That’s pretty much my father-in-law, right there. He was all about the Confederate flags in 2015 when they were being rightly demonized in the wake of the Dylan Roof murders. Freedom to fly the flags of traitors! That’s what makes America great! (He has lived on the same block in MICHIGAN his entire life.)


Why...why...why do I read the comments after PFT articles?

I had the complete set of 1988 Topps cards. I think it cost $20 at the time, and 15 years later, was worth like $14. Solid investment.

Of course it’s staged. Everyone knows Mike Greenberg is an unparalleled, incredible actor. He praised Subway with a straight face almost every day for the last 20 years.

Editorial correction: the “u mad bro?” game/photo was from October 2012, not 2014.

Ask a Marvin Lewis fan instead.