Well, fucking yourself doesn't bring rape charges. Unless you're Skip Bayless, the only man who is so hated by everyone, himself included, that masturbation would be non-consensual.
Well, fucking yourself doesn't bring rape charges. Unless you're Skip Bayless, the only man who is so hated by everyone, himself included, that masturbation would be non-consensual.
Hello new friend!
Totally how you quit abusing heroin. Probably works for being gay, non-white, and mentally retarded too.
Just as all Americans are fat and stupid, everyone knows all of Britain eats from cans
You do have a fair point. Part of good design is that it conveys proper use of the thing in question, and if the game really were brilliantly designed it would be more intuitive. The game is a good design though because it has consistent rules that can be followed for success in the game. Good, but not brilliant…
That is like asking the scorpion not to sting.
It really shouldn't matter if the lead is male or female if the movie is good.
Honestly, I think it is all about console gamers not enjoying using a mouse/keyboard setup to game at a desk instead of using a controller while chilling on the couch. I introduced some friends of mine to the miracle of the 360 controller/Steam Big Picture setup and watched their gaming habits change. They now base PC…
Because the internet.
There is no way you could possibly believe that. Really, trying to compare the two is impossible. If they didn't share game releases then really PC gaming and console gaming could exist side by side and not interact at all. I own consoles and a face melting PC and I use them for completely different gaming purposes.…
PS3 is so last gen.
Yes. I wanted to see how many posts you made complaining about this article that someone held a gun to your head and made you read.
I got all that from the 17 posts you have made on this thread alone complaining about Kotaku reblogging something. Have a tissue, and start your own blog.
Duels is a fair game, but I would like to take a moment to point out that my favorite thing about Magic is the interaction with other people. I don't think it is a good idea to base your decision to play a socially interactive card game on something that is much more "solo" in feel. I think that if you enjoy Duels…
Free article on free blog, no one makes you read said article, complains about journalistic integrity of said video game blog. The internet is big, maybe you should read elsewhere if Kotaku isn't up to your standards.
U mad?
Girls are for girls. Imma dude, dude.
Closes eyes, clicks random article, rushes to comments, and complains.
Probably the only thing worse to post than the word "faggot" on kinja is that you believe in god or don't care for feminists.
I find the fact that the Asian fellow in the picture decided to go blackface way more offensive. Oh, wait...