
+1 chromosome for you downs comment.

Agreed 100%. You can't have it both ways, and I feel like Kobe and the Lakers did the right thing and are getting blasted for it. By the way, thanks for the introduction to anchovies. I eat those little bastards as often as possible now days.

As someone who has played Magic for nearly two decades, I must disagree. The best way to learn is to go to a card shop on an "off day", such as a Wednesday afternoon, and tell the staff what is up. Around my area, this will get you set up with exactly what you need to start and someone to teach you how to play. Going

So, a small segment of a countries population is not representative of the behaviors of a country as a whole? Unless it is America, a country with a population approaching 400 million people who all think, weigh, and behave in exactly the same way. Got it.

Their annually weakass schedule.

As long as you acknowledge that what you think is an opinion and has no basis in facts at all then you can think what you like.

Well put. Also, when you steal your ideas and methods of production from others, you lack the understanding needed to further the science behind the design.


I would say this is far enough. SwapNote is not a vital means of communication and its abuse warrants something being done to control the harm being done. In this situation the only viable means of controlling the damage was by not allowing it to happen again. Nintendo made it clear in the TOS that it could

I hope you have a big box of bandages for all of the hurt asses you are about to deal with.

Sometimes I wonder if people even read the damn articles before rushing to the forum and bashing their keyboards to make their words.

The parents tried to disable the features which were a danger to their children, but the kids worked around that fix according to the article. If not having a feature like SwapNote keeps even one kid from being molested and ruined, then I am all for it. Good for Nintendo for being proactive in this case, even if the

Its only whoring if you get paid.

Why am I not surprised that a comment was given and then retracted afterwards by Burns.

If you think interceptions don't really matter that much, you should probably walk out with Kalaf.

Up next from Ubi, "why won't anyone who owns a WiiU buy our game?".

I respect your opinion and position.

So you would agree that a shutdown to avoid borrowing more money for social programs we can't pay for is a good idea?

Call Michael Bay and give him 100 million bucks to film your movie is the only way I see this happening.

Well stated and much needed commentary. Thank you.