A well polished turd is actually a PS4. Bring it Kotaku.
A well polished turd is actually a PS4. Bring it Kotaku.
The article fulfills its ultimate purpose!
Here comes the sympathy...
Exactly. OP totally missed the point here.
Joke gotten. It wasn’t funny though.
For the historical record, you were wrong.
Curious to know if games journalists have a peer review process that determines if a set of ethics are being adhered to? I am a social worker and we have a national organization for licensed social workers that polices ethical breaches and I feel like this really adds a level of transparency that is difficult for…
Much better reason than protecting our rights to free speech and peaceful assembly for sure.
Stop triggering me.
Trolled softly.
For every one person who thinks you are serious, there are two who think you suck at sarcasm.
They don't care that much. That is why it seems like such a big deal when you read Kotaku, because it only matters to people here. If it mattered in a mainstream way to people, change would be fast coming.
If the narrative is strong and the game is good, does it really need a protagonist of color, female gender, or non-hetero sexual preference? See what I did there?
I would much rather just play a fun video game and focus on something that matters like income equality. Gender representation in video games is really a third tier feminist issue at best.
This is the kind of push back you get when people complain about everything related to an issue instead of acting on the things that matter. People start hearing white noise and they dismiss everything. Good job bloggers and "activists".
Weird Science, woo.
It is always noon somewhere.
I can see the next article. "Nintendo Releases Games on Mobile, Controls Suck, and Nintendo Should Just Die Already" by B. Ashcraft.
Boom! Send your resume to NOA sir.