A lot of that baggage rolls into the posts that aren't the so called third rail topic. It is like the entire site has been dedicated to the forum bait. Everything offends someone now and they inevitably start a shitstorm in the comments section.
A lot of that baggage rolls into the posts that aren't the so called third rail topic. It is like the entire site has been dedicated to the forum bait. Everything offends someone now and they inevitably start a shitstorm in the comments section.
I totally agree with you. I don't care what people do, but I am honestly getting sick of coming here to read about and discuss video games and the FUN they entail only to get dragged into some feminist mire or argument about how games have a male centric agenda. Can we just discuss some video games and leave the other…
I have gotten to where I only visit for the Moneysaver articles and even those end up being feminists versus everyone battlefields. It is out of hand.
What kind of website is kotaku and who is it for?
The cross-posting thing is harsh. I made the mistake of saying that I respected someone's right to an opinion but disagreed with it and got harassed for days. It was my mistake to mention that maybe instead of being upset about the game industry that maybe the poster could try coding their own game and showing…
The One controller looks big to me to. I am a little worried about it seeing as how I would like one for my PC.
I have never been big on the Dual Shock. I think the 360 controller is one of the best ever. Looking at the pics of the new One controller it seems like it is beefier. A bit wider and not as hand-fitting as the 360 controller. It honestly looks a little big and I am not sure it will be that great.
Most are children themselves. Also, they feel like they are on Apple's team and they are being personally attacked because Apple was in the wrong and had to pay some money because of it.
Oh, look. Someone judges you based on what you have said on an internet forum and you get upset. You judge me based on what I said on an internet forum and you are right.
Good luck blogging the planet's problems away. I do respect your right to an opinion, but I think you're a total asshole. Anyone who has the time and money needed to spend more than three days complaining about oppression on a video game website forum probably has some privilege of their own. You don't have to have a…
You seem to be complaining that I am not open-minded like you. In all fairness, you didn't really say anything so much as try to vomit out a funny zinger. Way to contribute to dialogue, Leno.
I am sure this picture is somehow insulting to female, trans, and hairstylist gamers as well.
Obviously so, since you are one of those people who thinks that everyone they disagree with is a dick. If you will kindly move over there would be room on the street for both of us. Enjoy your complaining that no one fucking cares about.
I respect your opinion but I think your sense of entitlement when it comes to having others change so that you can be happy is naive bullshit. I am going to play a video game now instead of reading about people complaining about them. Have a good one.
It is hard to argue about shit that matters.
You aren't talking to game companies or about them. You are upset that someone would have the audacity to disagree with your position. That is really where many people have a problem, including myself. No one needs a thought cop. Why should game companies change for you? They are doing fine. If you want change show…
Maybe not this DRM plan in particular, but there is precedent for enacting new DRM measures in the middle of a cycle. The EA pass is a good example. It was hampering to those who wanted to play a used game, charged a fee, but got around too much protest by being somewhat reasonable priced. Also, the fact that it was…
My super intellectual friend again. Here are some movements that didn't need white men straight or gay to lead them to results worth being proud of. Civil Rights movement in the US South, Ghandi's peaceful resistance in India, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Malcolm X's Nation of Islam, AIM Native American Movement, Nelson…
Not trying to have a pissing contest I swear.How bout the Zune. Created with a well know defect that led to cracked screens and many dead pixels on launch units. After touting the player as an iPod killer they murder it in its crib. MS is continuing to fail to win over indie devs who make good games but aren't allowed…
What I am saying is that they shouldn't expect everyone to bend over backwards to make them feel accepted. Frankly, to many people acting like the gender you weren't born with is weird. It makes them uncomfortable to begin with and then you add in the fact that if you don't understand how to address it then you are a…