
It has happened.

It becomes complaining as soon as you expect the people around you to give a shit.

It is frustrating to deal with people who are so pissed off all the time and I think even some open minded people are pretty sick of dealing with people being angry because they feel like the world doesn't change fast enough for them. I mean, you can't even type without using all caps and internet shouting. These are

I think your opinion matters. Saying MS has learned their lesson is wishful thinking at best. I hope you don't get screwed out of your money but I won't hold my breath. They aren't absolute evil, using the word evil in this situation is diminishing of its value, but I don't think "douchebag" is too strong a word.

In news that fucking matters the US today said that Mr. Snowden, the guy who blew the whistle on PRISM which is a program that effects even transgendered people, committed espionage and they are using drones to track him down in China.

Agreed. We can't be legally censored in the US because of the damned Constitution and the way just enough people still care about it, so we now are being led to believe that censoring each others thoughts, words and actions are a good idea.

Americans now live in a constant state of anger and indignation. We have successfully been divided and are now being owned by those who had power already. Everything divides us into teams, and both teams always lose.

No, they aren't really funny. But they say stuff that gets people engaged in shit-storming so we have to hear about it here on Kotaku, the official game site for angry people.

That is an excellent quote and I will proceed to drop it daily here at Ko-complain-ku.

If you accept one person's reality you have to accept them all. How is being a furry any more or less relevant to their lives than being transgendered is to someone who identifies as such?

Any conversation that requires me to start with "what pronouns do you prefer" is likely to end in a lawsuit and I will just skip it.

It isn't the equipment a troll has, but how he uses it. XD

There is no difference. MS will leave its customers to hang if it is in their best monetary interests.

First off, I would like to make a dick joke because it sounds like you are defending a tiny penis.

"Oh, you can't come over tonight? That's too bad, it was going to be an awesome party. We got a keg and this band was going to play. I had tons of hotties and bros lined up, and we were pretty sure there was going to be tons of stories to be made. Oh, well too bad you can't make it, it was going to be AWESOME!"

Don't listen to falloutthirteen. There is no damn way that they would have allowed a model like this. Isn't this machine supposed to be the used game killer. You know, used games which are draining the industries coffers and putting devs and publishers out of business. So, we will kill used games and allow each new

In all fairness you have to make a super effort to get a computer with specs as dated as the One's are reported to be if you are shopping around right now.

Yes not everyone is aware of how MS has about faced on fucking the gaming community over. Those gamers you're talking about won't buy it because it costs $100 more.

You shouldn't hate them forever but don't think for one second they aren't going to implement a bunch of this stuff after they sell units. They have done it before and will do it again. Once they have your money they don't care.

So MS is willing to let people play full games online with their "family", up to 10 people playing a full game with one purchase but unwilling to allow us to do what we want with our physical media? Now, how is this better than used games that are crippling the cashflow of the industry and killing devs and publishers?