
I believe you hit the nail on the head. The population density in Japan makes MMOs and online play seem redundant to the biggest players at Nintendo. Like you said, the real world is their MMO. This thinking and the changes being made to it are seen in the way Nintendo is going to change Streetpass. I really hope that

Thanks again for what you do Shane. This is by far the best thing going for Kotaku. I come here everyday to check this out.

Ah, memes. The refuge of those with no point and no argumentative leg to stand on. Have a nice life, child.

I will type in all caps so you can read it.

You are a funny person. How dare someone answer your post when you pose a smartass rhetorical question that pretends like making change is beyond you because you're busy.You had rather cry about something than do something about it. I was below the poverty line when I went to college and still did something to help

Oh. Your age explains everything. Vote, make a product that espouses your ideals and is worthwhile, join a campus group, get an education in a field that matters so you can make a difference later, meet real people who aren't avatars or screen names, run for school office, create a group that does community outreach

How about Washington? How about making a video game that displays feminist ideals and is fun to play? God forbid you do something constructive.You are wasting your time trying to change the world on Kotaku. I never said you were being bitchy but "bitching" about something is a pretty common way to say complaining.

Well then, get off of Kotaku and go do something useful to stop it. If you really care, this is not the place to make a difference.

The laziness comes from complaining and not doing anything but demanding change without working for it. Bitching on a video game forum doesn't count. People used to march for civil rights now they vent online.

Why do you think that your experience is universal?

It is like every damn day that there are at least six of these fucking girl gamers are oppressed articles. I suppose that the page hits and forum storms are like crack to Kotaku.

I think the really sad thing is that there isn't a single coder in the feminist community who can work to make a great game that has all the criteria that their community demands that mainstream developers create. They had rather complain their way to equality and representation than go out and get it.

It would appear that some feminists here aren't actually in favor of equality but of the reversal of privilege in their favor. They are pretty transparent about it too.

These articles are designed to allow the feminists to scream at anyone who dares feel differently than they do. Tolerance is only for those you agree with. You have stepped into the shitstorm. Allow me to illustrate with a picture.

Did they cut the "feature" where a big old hammer comes out and bonks you on the head when you boot it up? Did they sound sad about it when they did?

I think I may have inadvertently done this.

At least you had a chance to have the thing go from operational to a brick. I bought and received from MS no less than FIVE FUCKING SYSTEMS WITH THE RROD. Both manufacturers screw up, but the MS screw up with the One has been monumental.

Indeed. I think the biggest problem is that the goal of this blog seems to be to start a veritable shit storm in the comment sections with every post. Since the good old atheism vs. god thing doesn't apply here as it does at io9 then the womyn gamers vs. the universe articles seem to do the job.

Woman likes hotties, normal.

You sir, have not been paying attention. Men have no feelings unless it is hate or lust, and we exist solely to fulfill our secret desire to oppress gamers of the female gender, nay all women. Muwahahaha!