
This is hands down the best Zelda game and unlike the game that is usually mentioned as the best, Ocarina, it hasn't been released one billion times on several console. This will give folks who missed it a chance to play it in HD. Nintendo caters to their fanbase, and this is something most fans want. I don't think

Honestly, most people don't seem to be able to wrap their heads around a game where you don't murder someone or beat the shit out of them. Gotta cater to the crowd I suppose.

I was going with pathetic. I bet these guys would step over a dying homeless person to play this game. Perspective, man. Get it.

I could really use a sandwich.....

Pushing opinions that no one cares about is a thankless task, I'm sure. I can't believe that all six meme pictures I have ever saved actually apply to you. That is uncanny. I will save some for later I suppose as I am sure you won't be able to this die here.

Talking with people who don't agree with you is always a waste of the tolerant and self-righteous person's time. Well thank god the internet has a superhero like you.

Hey man, The Moneysaver performs a service. Just relax and tell yourself its only the internet. Here is a picture for you just to bring a smile to your face, sunshine!


I'm glad I am not the only person who read that and re-read correctly. I need a new deal on a keyboard now that mine has my stomach contents on it. Please help me with that, The Moneysaver!

No kidding? Wrapping up in clingfilm, or Saran Wrap as we call it in my little spot on Earth, can actually kill you? Is it a suffocation thing or what?

Ha. My mistake.

I think you're a name-calling 12 year old who sticks their opinions where they generally aren't asked for. I don't have an overarching opinion on feminists. I am sure most of them aren't hypersensitive people who see a comment they don't understand and call someone an idiot.

I didn't say one way or the other how I felt about feminists. Only that posting that picture was asking for trouble. Here is a picture for you.

People get mad because they are just looking for something to be offended by. The outfit is tacky in my opinion, but who am I to judge? I am sure no one put a gun to her head to wear it.

I don't care. Also, "Boo-Hoo". So mentioning feminism is belittling it now? That seems stupid.Have a nice day.

I suppose that would matter if you were on the moon while you were playing the console. Bluetooth seems to work fine. I am usually in favor of advances though and this may turn out to be super cool. Thanks for the info.

How do you feel about "This is a democracy"?

Individually animated boobs seems like a waste of developer resources. I like that this game is hand drawn though. Hand drawn sprites are the best.

Same thing.

Boo. I really dislike Windows 8 on a PC. Nice on a touchscreen device though.