
Wow, you don't give up, huh? Just curious why I would care how much faster I can transfer data from my controller to my console though. Well, you could always get a PR job with MS's Xbox division. They could use some true believers I think. Enjoy your console.

Equal opportunity bumper stickering today.

Cue the feminists. Shit-storm incoming.

Everyone grooms themselves now since we won the second world war. Hairbrushes and combs incoming.

Look out for the superpatriots the article mentions.

The worst thing about privilege is that those who have it don't even realize it. I learned that when I accidentally clicked on a link to a story from Jezebel and made a comment on it. Big mistake seeing as how I have a y chromosome.

I am not sure where you are going with that but it amuses me. Cheers!

I don't assume you're the minority; you are in the minority. The Xbox games look fine, but honestly I am sick of shooting people in the face, so it would be nice if they would go in a different direction there. I think the games Sony has shown are fine looking games too, but everyone knows that ultimately launch games

Agreed about the conversation. I haven't actually had a chance to check Nintendoland out yet, but am getting a WiiU this month, so now I am looking forward to playing that. You have an excellent point about Nintendo's ability to update older IPs with fresh ideas. Overall, I am fairly pleased with where Nintendo is as

Buy one for your computer.

I'm going old skool here.

I was thinking they aren't a part of this like MS isn't involved in PRISM.

Now playing

Little music for the MS guys on the thread.

Trying to think of the last new Nintendo IP that screamed "NINTENDO" and had new ideas and characters. I am thinking Pikmen, which we are now getting our third installment of. Something new would be good, and I wish they were as risky with software as they are with hardware.

Hey, wall of text. Enjoy your Xbox. It is a glorified cable box with draconian DRM and a really nice controller. I am not making fun of your mom here. It is just a console.

Agreed. Just about everything is safe now because publishers feel like risks are too expensive. I think indies are the cure for this, but look at how MS treats them. Notes need to be taken that imagination is free and low cost games are fun. Combine this with some budget and pop that publishers have and this could be

Honestly, nostalgia is enough for me. That being said, they need some new first party IPs and some games that take advantage of the WiiU's gamepad.

You have a good point. It would be like MS coming out with windows 9, and saying you have to cut off a finger and stick it in your USB drive to use it but only that one time. Then along comes the new Mac OS and says, no you just have to buy me and boot up the old computer to use me. No brainer.

They really did nail it though. Most gamers don't really want a TV machine, they want to play some games. Some of the One's "features" can't even be used outside the US, and I have a cable box already thanks. What about people with spotty internet or limited internet access or speed? MS threw those customers away;

This thing could come with sex slaves, a light saber, and a kegerator and I wouldn't buy it.