
It does indeed suck that it costs money for multiplayer now, but compared to the poo sandwich that MS was prepared to serve me, this seems tasty. You have to admit that you do get pretty good value for PS+. I paid for Live for 8 years and got to play multiplayer and use Netflix. Everything but buying games is behind a

Yep. I told myself that if Sony did the opposite of everything MS has decided to do, I will be back in their camp after leaving for 360 pastures.

Then you're the guy with all the t-shirts from the E3 presentation? Just kidding with you. Enjoy you Xbox.

Not at all. You are a gamer, and MS doesn't care about you. Mistake number one.

I disagree with you about Kinect. It has a ton of potential and making it mandatory makes it relevant to develop for.

Your taking this personally, aren't you? Your entitled to your console of choice, but Sony just nailed it. They took everything that everyone but about 2 dozen people hated about the One and said no. They knocked 100 bucks off the price to boot.

Bill Gates?

Do you feel vindicated and so damn right, OnoSendal77? I know I do.

Pretty sure they will be fine. MS is fucked, and I hate it for them. Totally bringing it on themselves. They have some good, and only good, looking games I will never buy because after today I and all but 100 people on the internet are telling Sony to SHUT UP AND TAKE MY DAMN MONEY. Pretty sweet that white-knighting

Guess what I am getting for Christmas? Go on, guess.

He means the people who want answers before they buy and just won't drink the Kool-Aid. Also, can I get a game that isn't a shootey murder simulator?

I smell a glasses wearing, helmet haired rat. Surprised it smells like panic, when I always thought that Stern would smell like old man breath and Mitcham.

I know, and I really hate this fact. Regardless of what happens down the road with the always on or not always on, draconian DRM or "reasonable" DRM, it looks like eventually these consoles will be bricks.

I have an SNES, but thanks for the protip. Love that system.

Sorry, I thought you were implying that giving information piecemeal like MS has chosen to do was a smart strategy compared to Sony's closemouthed approach. I won't go into how I felt because you can obviously read. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Hey-oh! Got me there, actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks!

I didn't make this statement lightly. I actually went into the archives and read the last two months worth of her articles. I did so because every time I read something on Kotaku that links from the main page and turns out to be a three paragraph article that is forum fodder it usually is her work.

I know I am going to get tin-hatted for this, but spot on observation. I read that several dozen times today and failed to think of this. Also, sections 9 and 12 of the current Kinect TOS. Scary reading, and the tech is only getting more invasive. Why can't we just play some damn games anymore?

Get what you want, but you really need to consider how willing to get screwed over as a consumer you are when it comes to what console you buy so that you can play some "good games". If you think this generation of consoles is questionable, it will truly be god-awful next go round for the consumer.

Xbox is giving information that is incoherent, vague, and contradictory depending on who is delivering it. They would be better off getting it together and announcing things when they know what is really going on.