Does this Hernandez ever write anything useful? Here is a vague quote, maybe things will be okay. Queen of Kotaku fluff articles. How about some reporting?
Does this Hernandez ever write anything useful? Here is a vague quote, maybe things will be okay. Queen of Kotaku fluff articles. How about some reporting?
Fair enough.
Oh, really? Did I miss the part of the article that said the game could be swapped back and forth as many times as I like? It seemed to me that it would be transferable one time and that was it. It may not be hard to grasp, but it certainly isn't a clear cut answer. The fact is, you don't know for sure if that is the…
I agree. At this point though I really want Sony to white-knight for gamers and consumers so that the goodwill translates to sales. Companies this consumer unfriendly need to be crushed to send a clear message about what the public really wants.
Do you have a point, or are you just writing a short story? Sorry if it hurts your feelings, but I believe that the One is shaping up to be a real turd sandwich.
I couldn't be any more over the Xbox One.
I was talking about lending games which is the option most people care about because they are making it sound like you can do everything just as you have always done. Only an idiot would give a game away. It is a shit tier option and really doesn't matter to anyone. How many games have you outright given away, Mr.…
It isn't. I have never been less excited for a console release than for the One and PS4.
Agreed. It is all about expectations. I expect to be able to sell, buy, rent, and borrow console games. The industry is changing things and I have decided not to participate. I will take my dollars elsewhere. I believe others will as well.
Used games work at the whim of publishers, and we know how they feel about the used market. The article says borrowing and renting games won't work at launch excepting the giving away of games (whatever that means, thanks for the clarification MS).
So I can't rent or borrow games at launch time, and it will be up to publishers if I can buy or sell a used game. Pass on the Xbox One.
Do you understand the concept of lending and having an item returned to you?
I don't see how calling someone out for wishing AIDS on someone who is talking about video games is the same as actually wishing a slow death on someone who types a word out in a particular way. I think you're an ass, but I don't wish you to have a horrible death. Then again, you don't seem like an entirely reasonable…
The price did drop $80 dollars in the US and was a 35% drop in price. A comparable price drop for a $300 system would be $105. That would make the pro set cost $250 which was a number that Necro ruled as being out of the question. The precedent is there. You mention that price drop wasn't the only factor in sales…
The same was believed about the 3ds, and poor sales led to a nice price drop. Now, the install base is pretty large and software is selling like gangbusters. Never say never.
Cool story.
I guess you are right in this situation. I spent my time learning not to be a piece of shit human being who even jokingly wishes death on others over a video game console. It is only irony if you don't mean it, but I am pretty sure you did. By the way English major, its spelled disease.
I agree with you. Making a name for yourself by undermining others hard work is not something I endorse. There is really nothing creative going on here. The need to have realism in movies is kind of pathetic as it is just a movie. Go watch a documentary if you want to drag the real world into your cinema experiences.
Then you're an a$$hole with no understanding of the word irony.
I understood. I have no idea what Sony will do since they don't have a case of foot-in-mouth disease like MS right now. I don't give them the benefit of the doubt. Also, you are 100% correct to put the word feature in sarcastic quotation marks. God help us all.