
You can play the console offline but you have to be online once per day. It isn't semantics or a technicality. You have to be online or you can't play. Don't have an internet connection for 25 hours, and you can't play the games you paid good money for. I am not hating on the console, it has to be online or it doesn't

It is completely your choice to buy used or new, and I get what you are saying about supporting who you like by buying new. If you were offered the choice to buy worthy DLC for your title, then you could have your cake and eat it too.

He has said he plays 360. It really isn't trolling to have a different opinion.

Yeah, I said the same thing in a comment I am sure will never be given status. What an a$$hole thing to say. Must never have seen someone die of AIDS before.

But my understanding is that you have to connect once daily to play, even if you want to play offline and alone. How is that the same as not having to be online to play One games?

You have a point. Online once per day is not offline.

It wouldn't leave as bad a taste in my mouth if it was the individual publishers doing this because then I could vote with my wallet and support the publishers who don't do this. Since the implementation of MS's plan will be an overarching all inclusive plan that is part of the console itself, I will have no choice

If consumers don't stop defending MS and other game companies and get on the side they should be on (gamers and consumers) this is going to be bad for us. All of us, regardless of what platform we choose to play on.

I think I will have a problem with the internet connection thing if I need to do it to play my game after a first time registration or something similar. I need to do something similar for my Steam purchases, but after that I can play in offline mode all I want.

What is wrong with Nintendo? Do you have a problem with fun?

I don't want to speak for the guy, but I believe it was in reference to the fact that Nintendo has not announced or hinted at DRM on the disc games they sell like MS and, to a lesser extent, Sony have hinted at.

You, sir, are an a$$hole. AIDS is never funny. We are talking about a video game console and you wish AIDS on people while telling them to grow up? Get a grip.

That sounds good at first, but why would I want to double up on my PC's game library? I want an Xbox for Xbox games. Now if the question was "what if Xbox Live allowed digital stores other than the MS storefront on Live so that the competition drove down the price of all games, but there will be DRM on these digital

It is anti-consumer strictly because it eliminates choice from the consumer market based on the fallacy that no more used games will lead to a stronger industry with better new game prices.

I honestly can't think of one Nintendo title I have ever traded in now that you mention it.

Never gets old, and is always funny. Hadn't seen this in bit; thanks for the giggle!

I get where you are coming from and if I were gay I would be pissed. I am not a caricature, and my sexuality is not my defining characteristic. This and the other things you mentioned make people who aren't willing to get to know someone think people who are gay are cartoon characters.

This is the internet. You are obligated to get offended by something at least once a day. That is why I read Kotaku, so I know what I should be outraged about in the video game industry.

I had never heard of your game so I proceeded to read a very interesting article about all that happened. I hope you have continued to create games, and wish you nothing but future success.

Is it a fun game? Is the main character's costume empowering or demeaning? Tell me what to think please.