Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoner Friend

Obama: ordered the wrong kind of mustard that one time, amoral abomination.

Something, something you gotta let it burn.

This kid has made me root for Walmart... Fuck him in his ear.

Hell yeah. This whole season everyone was like, Arie is so boring but he made for the BEST reality TV because he’s so damn clueless! He has NO self-awareness so he just says any damn thing that comes out of his mouth. He has NO idea how he’s coming off so honestly it is top-notch entertainment as evidenced by this

Part of me wonders if the producers forced us to watch that horrifying breakup scene to make sure we hated Arie. Like they were pissed he did this so they punished him and in turn us. Thus sacrificing poor Becca to the entertainment gods. It was unnecessary and cruel to the extreme. Shame on all of them.

I already disliked Arie, but I nearly raged stroke at the way he repeatedly violated Becca’s boundaries in that stupid “unedited” scene. She spent a good 15-20 minutes walking away from him, retreating to other parts of the house, and saying: “please leave” “go away” “leave me alone” “I want to be alone” and “don’t

This seems totally staged. There’s no way they didn’t set this bullshit up. Also I don’t watch this show but that does not seem like a normal reaction from either of them.

I love that Arie is so dumb that he went along with the public breakup. I’m sure ABC pressured him to do it on TV but what kind of idiot goes along with that? Lots of Bachelors breakup with their chosen one shortly after. They don’t do it live because they know it will make them look like total a-holes.

I hate being pissed the fuck off and then someone being like “Can we talk? ...” Want to talk? Fucking talk then. I don’t have anything to say at the moment. Stop waiting for me to have something to say. Say something else or fuck the fuck off. (Preferably the latter, but you aren’t going to get anywhere with “Can we

The final episodes of the season are almost horrifying in how much they remind you of the Hunger Games and if Tucci didn’t base his Flickerman performance totally on Chris Harrison then it’s a remarkable coincidence.

I thought my boyfriend was going to lose his mind last night when Arie wouldn’t leave even after she asked him to a million times.

Chris Harrison is a real life Caesar Flickerman

My invite was so secret it looked like an opportunity to open a Mastercard account, so I threw it out.

Right? I’m surprised this is the first I’m hearing about this show.

Bobby, this is way better than being acknowledged by Megyn Kelly Today Today.

Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.

Crazy doesn’t get tired. Crazy is DETERMINED.

I love Jordan Peele and his wife.

“Do you know how fucked up you have to be to lose any and all custody of your children?”