Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stoner Friend

even if it’s for a piece of shit movie

Someday they should have a one time Oscar category for Best Performance by an Actor Playing Winston Churchill where only the Queen of England gets to vote.

Mira Sorvino be like

There was gold woven through her hair. It looked lovely. Really in harmony with the dress, I thought.

“I’ve done all I need to here, time for pants!”

Also I feel like Mira Sorvino is wearing a decade’s worth of statement dresses to make up for how much of her career was lost because of that serial rapist and I love that. Get it.

I love her gown. Those sleeves! Hope she wins.

I’ve always really liked Courtney Cox for reasons I’ve never fully understood. Like always. Going back to Family Ties. When I was a kid I wanted to see the Courtney Cox film Ace Ventura Pet Detective in the theater. I was not a bandwagon Courtney Cox fan.

Perez Hilton can fuck right off.

Don’t get too attached by becoming sympathetic to their cause. I hear it’s a syndrome of sorts.

??? I was a nanny for a long time and I have always had long nails. You just...wash your hands and use a brush under your nails real quick? Also...if you’re doing it right you don’t necessarily get poop on your hands...?? That’s what wipes are for? Maybe she wears gloves?? Who cares??! Sorry for all the question marks

Can I be honest? If I was rich enough, I would pay someone else to change my baby’s diapers.

Ah yes, one of our culture’s #1 favorite pastimes: mommy judging. Mixed with Kardashian hate and it’s got to be irresistible.

Nick Offerman is too good for us!

I was visiting friends in Boston earlier in February and I felt myself getting sick. Stomach, achey, headachey and was like having this horrible ‘fuuucckkkk I’m out of town and I’m getting the flu’.

That Alec Baldwin tweet throws me off a bit. I know the original that had “Dying” spelled as “Dieing” was deleted. I can only assume a staffer wrote the second by the copious use of commas.

I was in Duane Reade earlier this week, and this guy was standing in front of one of the frozen cases, door open, and was just coughing away. A wet, gross cough. Not even trying to put his hand over his mouth. I was so grossed out, didn’t get half the stuff I wanted, had to leave. I mean, what in the actual fuck?!?!?!

I am so here for any and all Matt Damon hate.

I used an excel spreadsheet because I’m type A and “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SPREADSHEET!”

40K you say ?