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    Still, it bugs me to see water have the same physics as a wave of M&Ms

    Is it too much to ask to get some realistic water effects?

    Farfetch'd, a Wild Duck Pokémon. Farfetch'd makes a delicious meal, especially when cooked with leek. Because of this, Farfetch'd is nearly extinct.

    Love to see someone so enthusiastic about their work.

    Gizmodo is turning into less of a gadget blog and more into a weed blog. I am sorely disappointed.

    Untrue. I think Giz had an article about it. Essentially hokum.

    Looks just like my dad's office.

    It just works!

    Since when was a priest saying "Yup, dat dere's a hauntin'" legal evidence?

    Slow clap commencing... in 3...2...1...

    Ok, so this game has NOTHING to do with setting feminism back. You know what does? Retarded women like Snookie and all the girls on Teen Mom who show men how OK it is to treat them like shit. And the media outlets who feed us this crap. And the men who actually believe TV is real life.

    I noticed that. Ironic, no?

    Nope. Google loudness wars.

    Agreed. Same wires, different providers.

    Well one thing is for sure: The RAF is prepped and ready just in case. Kind of a heartening thing.

    I would buy a data-only phone. No question

    didnt like that *SPOILER* you dont get the treasure

    So, what now? Does this mean I won't get my 15dollar textbooks I have been hoping for since 3 years ago?

    The ending fo ME3 didn't have me nearly as mad as the ending to Borderlands.