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    That's what RIT says. Or maybe you know more than they do.

    Cheaper........ unless you live in Canada!

    6/37. Very convincing.

    That's messed up in my humble opinion.

    Your proof? Because that is a pretty bold statement. Also, I think North Korea would launch missiles at South Korea/Japan without the US stepping on any toes.

    Release? 30 years? You jest.

    I guess our missile interceptors in the pacific don't mean anything. Huh.

    Then I guess we should just pull out of all the international bases we have. I hope the rest of the world liked the protection we provided.

    Oh man, this will be great for my Matterhorns.

    Something like that.

    What I would give to spend an hour in there.

    I just asked 1997 and they said you're full of it.

    Precisely why my pipe of choice is a peterson bent!

    Apparently the writer of this article knows NOTHING about pipe smoking. Not only does the smoke smell objectively amazing, but you don't inhale (not ruining your lungs) and there is no litter in the streets, as no one will ever clean their pipes on the sidewalks.

    1997 called, they want their comeback back.

    Sigh. Time to save up

    The only thing EA did that was evil was make James Pond II: Codename RoboCod.

    Since when is 45 KPH equal to 60 MPH?

    Does anyone know of a remote for the Olympus Pen E-PL1? Online searches revealed very little, and it seems as though there are some shoddy products on amazon that might or might not work.

    Plus, there are some priests who can marry.