
This game is still in my top whatever of all time. The only unfortunate thing is that the Dreamcast version is still, in my mind, the definitive version. The way they melted the screen with blur effects between stages and held onto that constant framerate, combined with the mixing of the music that the HD 360 version

Thank you! The application takes about ten minutes per eye. Urban Decay Electric palette is what I used there.

I can understand that idea, but I don't feel that it is necessary. If you say that the costume is gorgeous, or that the gown is radiant, or that the pictures look like a fun time, these all send the same positive message that you want, without making the message about the coplayer's body. In a perfect world we

Sorry, no. Because then all you do is feed into the idea that people can only cosplay characters they look like. "Tits aren't big enough to be Morrigan!" "WTF Peach isn't BLACK" etc etc. A good costume is a good costume and as long as it evokes the character, what the cosplayer looks like doesn't matter at all.

Reddit's rules on comments under cosplay posts should be the internet's rules for comments under cosplay posts.

I love Robert, he's so awesome. This is why I cosplay. =)

(I'm actually writing a guide that I'll post next week)

I think you worded me into the ground and then your extra words threw dirt on my crummy miswritten sentences body.

CLUE. hands down.

Sure Wasn't a Stark dying. Mine was Flint Fireforge from Dragonlance. 3rd book in the trilogy "Dragons of Spring Dawning". I was around 11-12 I believe and that was the first set of books I was ever hooked on. It most certainly the first time I saw a main character die, especially a good guy. Reading them now they are

BTW, if you or your gift recipient is super tech-savvy and/or hates books, How To Cook Everything is available as an iPhone app that includes a searchable database of all the recipes in the book. I have it on my phone and it's a godsend.

Captain Harlock cosplay is best cosplay.

Yeah, it was biology, that's why every single man is a horrible human being and can't control his penis. That's why all men are rapists and should be castrated. We also shouldn't let them into positions of power because they can't help but just think with their dicks!

His MLB The Show streams are really good too. He's really the first streamer I've seen doing a sports game who is genuinely entertaining while he plays (and not just humblebragging about opening Ultimate Team packs).

I've never watched Cereth, but Crumps is amazing. He also puts on Boilr, which is the Binding of Isaac League Racing. Worth checking out on youtube, or his stream. Can't wait for season 3 of Boilr to start now in Rebirth!

This is probably more important than trying to turn a boring workout into a game: Find a workout that's actually fun. There are tons of games, or sports, that are a lot of fun with the added benefit of being a great workout.

And, you can include fitness video games. Dance Central Spotlight is a pretty descent workout, especially when using the fitness mode. A 60 minute workout in fitness mode would likely give most people a run for their money. Plus, it is fun and you get stats, achievements and progression like video games.

That's badass. You got a cool dad.