
Yahoo is a failing company. Considering the 80 percent female leadership, now we know why.

Who do you think pays the fucking contractors, you fucking moron.

Because only boys rape. AmIRight?

You’re right, because if you believe the media, only black people are being shot by cops in America. AmIright there bro?

It’s sad that you believe the bullshit your pussy handlers want you to believe. Continue to be the good little sheeple you are striving to be.

You are right you can decline questions. If you run and the suspect you of a crime, police officers can and will chase you. If you shoot at them, they can and will shoot back. What would you do if someone shot at you?

So what do you want to do with him? Give him a slap on the hand and tell him to be good?

On the same day as the North Carolina shooting 5 white men were shot by police. Where’s your fucking outrage? Oh right white people getting shot by police doesn’t fit your bullshit agenda.

I’m shocked that they didn’t describe him as a white hispanic. But alas it turns out he is a transplant from a muslim country and now authorities has not dismissed the idea of terrorism. Shocking

And thus we have evidence of another failure of our supreme liberal educational system. Please visit you old alumni and request all of your hard earned money back, due to them warping your silly mind by their progressive bullshit. Please do not continue the lies, wake up and realize you have become a victim of an

Please continue to make up the narrative as you go along. No amount of evidence is ever going to convince you that he had a gun. Prepare yourself for the race war you and your buddies are creating. Guaranteed no one is going to come out the winner and all the blood that is shed will be on your and your fellow

“The Second Amendment never had anything to do with an individual right to own guns!”

I agree, we have all these criminals running around shooting people, so why do you want to take guns away from innocent law abiding people. The criminal knows they are breaking the law and doesn’t care. How will you get them to turn their weapons in or who would you have take their guns away.

weak, your comments are getting weaker and weaker. go away chump

Ooh, keep proving my point. Hey I just figured out who you are, there was a night I watched a little pussy cat fuck your father in the ass. Always believed, even little pussy cats should practice safe sex.

I wouldn’t go around telling people you read Psychology Today. Shows you’re fucking nuts. Just saying, starting to feel sorry for anyone that has any involvement with you. Does anyone else live under the stairs with you?

Sorry, I missed it in the video where you were standing there, watching first hand what actually occurred. The only question I haven’t seen by all you arm chair quarterbacks is, why did the family wait till Friday afternoon to release a video they have had since the day of the shooting. What is their motive?

Do me a favor, stand in front of a mirror and start banging your head against the mirror, really hard and repeating the words I’m a moron and a little pussy that likes to lick assholes. Because while the rest of us have gotten to know you as one, you’re still in denial.

Really, please elaborate why I as a black man would be afraid of another black man. Are you afraid of black men. Are you that much of a pussy?

“Same training and internalization of the negative stereotypes.”