
I know people are rightfully upset about the sentence but this is a very scary precedent- the DA is basically saying he doesn’t want this judge on a case because he doesn’t think he’ll get his way at sentencing should he meet his burden at trial. Turner’s sentence is upsetting for many reasons but I really don’t think

Does anybody else find it a little disturbing that an acquittal can be overturned in South Africa? That seems like a gross due process violation, especially in a country that’s not exactly known for racial harmony...

I think this is a nice reminder that an arrest or an allegation isn’t evidence of guilt. It’s also a reminder that a past arrest or allegation doesn’t make a current allegation more likely.

I imagine a Rachel Roy shaped cloud a la Wiley Coyote.

No; he can appeal his conviction but prosecutors cannot appeal sentences nor can they appeal acquittals. It’s a hard pill to swallow in this situation but it’s a safeguard in place to protect all of us.

My first thought when I read the sentence was that none of my poor clients of color would ever get this type of leniency. Ideally, we should have a criminal law system that promotes rehabilitation and acknowledges that prison does more harm than good in the long run and it should only be used as a last resort. I say

Completely agree- it’s all about context. I’m a public defender and wear suits/skirts or slacks with a blazer 95% of the time because I have court. When I’m not in court I dress comfortably (jeans and flats or a dress) because goddamnit, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than a suit. The best is when I have to talk

It is completely unwarranted- he didn’t charge her with contempt. He just handcuffed her while she was doing her job and let her go when he thought she learned her lesson. He even said it to the bailiff! His actions, coupled with his statements show that he was overstepping his bounds. I can’t count the number of

I’m assuming from the discussion that the bill dealt with civil restraining orders- the burden for getting one is preponderance of the evidence. There’s really no mechanism for appealing civil restraining orders, so I have seen some really wacky criminal charges stemming from violations of civil RO’s, including a

I would be angry too and would want to speak out but I just feel a lot her reactions to Allen are more “look at me” instead of about the abuse her daughter experienced/being an advocate for sex abuse victims. Like when she implied that Ronan may be Frank Sinatra’s son, not Allen’s- it was so childish and unnecessary

I don’t think all of these are truly conclusive of his guilt, especially the fact about the polygraph and the prosecutor not accepting the report. As to the polygraph, they’re highly subjective and can be interpreted/manipulated to find results the tester wants. I’ve had clients take polygraphs with a private

That was one of my first thoughts. Let’s prescribe unnecessary and highly addictive pills while the country is the midst of an opiate addiction crisis.

My irrational dislike for her comes from my irrational belief that she is the reason Michael Fassbender and I aren’t married.

I completely agree with you about the registry requirement. Studies in the states have shown that sex offender registries actually don’t improve public safety because the overly punitive requirements of sex offender registries actually push people to the margins of society and exclude them from needed services that

YES! I liked Ariana at first because she seemed grounded and not into the drama but she has this self-important attitude about herself, like she’s better than everyone. And her whole offense that Kristin tried comedy because she’s been doing comedy for years and IT’S HER THING. I looked her up on IMDB- her credits are

All of them. Didn’t Stassi give an interview in which she admitted they all abused the shit out of Adderall?

There was a great shot lost season (season 3) in which Jax didn’t understand what was going on/being said. His jaw was slacked open and he had this vacant look in his eyes. He seriously looked like a caricature of a dumb caveman.

I meant to write “even though I was decently sheltered a lot from the “LA” obsession with beauty, youth, and having the perfect body, it really does permeate a lot of the city.” This is why you don’t comment and respond to work e-mails at the same time.

I think it’s as simple as they’re jealous of the way Lala looks and she makes them feel inadequate. I went to grad school in LA and even though I was decently sheltered from a lot of “LA” the obsession with beauty, youth, and having the perfect body really do permeate a lot of the city. I can’t imagine the number it

Frenemies. Hands down, major frenemies.