
1. The police don’t have to advise anyone that filing a potentially false report opens you up to prosecution- the only advisement required is the Miranda advisement and that only applies for custodial interrogations. Could a cop tell a person if they make a false report that they could be subject to prosecution? Of

I’m not Canadian so I don’t know the exact procedures/rules that govern criminal cases there but I am a public defender in the U.S. so my answer is based on the law here. It is not fundamentally unfair that as the criminally accused you don’t have to take the stand because it presumes guilt until proven innocent- it

Yes to all of this!

I don’t think you should hate yourself for saying that- the judge followed the law and if he believed there was reasonable doubt then he made the right call to acquit. It may not be the verdict people wanted but is the desired result because the law was followed regarding the prosecution’s burden. If the prosecutors

I don’t think it’s victim blaming at all. The article states that travel to North Korea is advised against and that he went through an agency/group that does tours there. I doubt that anyone would be in the business of taking tourists to North Korea without thoroughly advising them about the do’s and do not’s of

This may be an unpopular thing to say but I feel like Hillary’s campaign has engaged in shaming women who support Bernie (supporting any of the Republican assclowns is a whole different thing.) The things that Gloria Steinem and Madeline Albright have said, basically implying I’m a bad feminist and a bad woman because

After reading that interview and seeing all the pictures/videos of him in court, he’s so very clearly mentally ill. I wonder how much the smear campaign waged against Planned Parenthood and the GOP lies fed into his delusions...

Isn’t a “right to life” group now using the shootings at the Planned Parenthood there as the platform for outlawing abortion in the Springs? I live in the metro area but I remember hearing something about it and being just disgusted (but not surprised since it is the Springs.)

Republicans in Colorado try to get an amendment on the ballot every couple of years pushing for a fetal homicide statute. The last time it happened was in 2014 and they used a court of appeals case that held you can be charged with reckless driving causing death or injury if a fetus was lost to support their claim.