
Why do X-Wings even have wings in the first place? THEY’RE IN SPACE!

Ah, but those Astromech droids can also help conduct repairs during a battle, something a flimsy A-wing sorely needs.

Counterpoint: A navicomputer cannot literally lock down a loose stabilizer as R2 did. Also, it cannot defend itself from buzz droids (also R2). Nor can it detach from the ship and take critical map components to the nearest heroic scavenger (as BB-8 did.) To say nothing of spraying your enemies with oil and lighting

Video game A-Wings are always great because they’re overpowered as hell compared to what they should be DON’T BUY INTO THEIR LIES

So.. in recap... To STOP your nudes from being leaked.. you need to send them ALL of your NUDES, where a PERSON NOT AN ALGORYTHEM will look at them and determine if they “qualify”, then they will “blur” and store them, and then they will remain available to a “select few”

Because they get ancillary benefits? It’s like asking why people are willing to stare at a TV screen just to see advertisements—they don’t just see advertisements, they see content they enjoy watching.

i smell jealousy

It wasn’t a complaint and I don’t actually care if Facebook has access to my location? I’m literally just saying that’s how it tends to work.

Read the article. She doesn’t have a social media account for the sex trade life. Just alt email and phone number.

Their problem is they’re the type of person who thinks “ get a job” followed by their half-ass criteria is the answer to everything.

Or you could stop having sex for money and get a job that is legal

Lol, dismissing dip shit alt-right trolls all day. =)

Dear moron in the grays who I will not bring out, no, this isn’t a matter of “dems and libs” being about to say whatever they want and only silencing the GOP and conservatives. This is a matter of being allowed to spread outright false propaganda in the course of a political campaign free of consequences. The “baby

The people on the fucking porch...

Yeah, that part stuck out to me as well. It’s important because it reinforces the idea that sexual assaults don’t occur in a vacuum. Whether it’s the child being molested by a parent while the other parent keeps everything hush-hush, or a circle of acquaintances who know “that dude is sketchy” or even (as in this

Because not everyone is such a twat.

Don’t watch the movie because I can guarantee you that Kumail is going to mispronounce a bunch of English words.

Yeah. My husband and I are both white, but he comes from a very blue-collar, country background, and I come from a very WASPy professional background, and that was a hard adjustment for both of us. He’s a college-educated professional too, now, but when we were dating in college I had to teach him how to tie a tie.

They’re so cute. They obviously really love each other.

I hope that you can overcome your difficulties, and one day enjoy all that life has to offer once you get past minor grammatical errors.