
I don’t know that demo, but Bill Nye isn’t a scientist. He’s an engineer who simplifies science for children, so it’s very likely he removed some complexity.

FWIW, almost all science demos are ‘wrong’ to some degree. Especially with physics and climatology since there are so many variables, you have to idealize your

As someone who lives in the midwest, climate change deniers are not hard to find. There are a great many of them.

Bill Nye is not an actual climate change scientist. He is an actor who makes shitty analogies so that 5 year old can grasp concepts. No, they are not air-tight, and the only reason he presents the same analogies to adults is because people like you are apparently unable to grasp the slightly more complex explanations

There’s a reason we have been calling it “global climate change” instead of “global warming.” It’s because people can’t seem to grasp this simple idea.

It’s not “views,” it’s science, it’s fact. You can’t “agree to disagree” on science. When people believe and propagate falsehoods, it is dangerous to let them continue believing and propagating these beliefs because they inevitably begin affecting people’s lives and public policy.

Comprehend words. “Climate change deniers will point to this as a case that global warming is fake, but you will have random cold events in even a rapidly warming world” is =/= “this was caused by global warming.”

No. The only ‘other study’ will be one commisioned and paid for by some inconvenienced corporation. All - ALL - legitimate scientists agree on the matter of anthropogenic climate change. It is no more up for debate than gravity or electromagnetism. It is, however, something that threatens wealthy people who are

If you compare the Earth’s climate to a pan of boiling water, you will never get the answer.

Nowhere in this article does it once suggest that it snowed in the Sahara because of global warming, or even the resultant climate change. Go back under your bridge.

Oh...I knew it alright.........

Don’t blame the film that resolved it in a new and unique way that doesn’t live up to the hype, blame the film that created a huge mystery without knowing the answer.

How about trying this on for size... “we’ve done two trilogies about someone who came from humble beginnings but had a big family secret, why don’t we make this desert dwelling orphan just an orphan”

Interesting, because I effectively have the opposite view: all “supernatural” or “psychic” powers in Star Wars should just be different manifestations of the Force.

Who cares? The second season has been quite good. Some of the best cinematography of any auto show. Great banter. Great cars. And they showed that they listened to the fans by getting rid of nearly all of the low points from the first season. Celebrity Face Off is the only lingering bad segment IMO.

No its not, Hammond is just that small.

...but they chose to just go off and re-create the old Top Gear, which was already showing major signs of tiredness.

I’m shocked that guys who’ve spent 20 years being really successful doing the same thing don’t want to change.

The cans should also be color coded - it’s usually red for gasoline, yellow for diesel and tan/black/blue for water.

something something Oregon’s cars are doomed

In his defense, storing anything other than gas in a gas can is not a wise move. Unless it had huge labels on it.