
I can’t tell you how much I disagree that using the term “autopilot” somehow implicates Tesla, as if the man wasn’t specifically trained, educated, and reminded on the limitations of the system. He was willfully and foolishly risking his life despite all warnings.

The definition of autopilot isn’t something that takes full control. That would be an autonomous car. Autopilot is something that reduces driver workload, like autopilot on an aircraft.

Much like autopilot on planes, where the term originated. It’s arguable that the colloquial interpretation of the term means Tesla should have chosen something else, but it is hardly without precedent.

From my experience, public wifi is too slow to be worthwhile these days. But then again, I have unlimited data, so saving usage isn’t a concern for me.

Definitely illegal. Intentionally jamming cellular signals is a huge FCC no-no.

Am I the only person that doesn’t use store/restaurant free WiFi? Hotel WiFi is the only WiFi I’ll use outside of my home and office. Do people really use the free WiFi at stores all that much? Serious question.

Because hating Xbox in en vogue. That and people are far too involved in the old console war tribalism.

Simple - a single video card necessary for 1440p 60 fps and 4k 30 fps costs near $400. Also if there’s no crossplay between PC and Xbox then you’re forced to get a console. If you can afford $400-1,000 for a high end GPU you can also afford a $500 console to play with your friends. If you cannot $500 is cheap for a 4k

This person understands the future. There’s a reason MFST embarked on Windows OneCore. At some point in the near future XBoX, Mobile, Hololens, IoT, etc. will all cease to exist as distinct OSes. There will just be one Windows OS (fitting title all of a sudden) with scenario based interfaces.

The Xbox is for people without a high end gaming rig. Stop making gamers look stupid.

because a high-end computer costs a lot more than this console, hell a high end video card costs more than this console. They realize that there are targeted audiences for both and plan to appeal to both individually. I used to play a lot of PC games but I sit at a desk all day at work and when I go home the last

And remember, almost all of those PC gamers are already Microsoft customers. That’s not true for Nintendo and Sony.

Exactly. Exclusive titles are a big “fuck you” to gamers everywhere. I don’t want to have three consoles, two phones, and a multi-boot PC just to run all the games I want to play.

Seriously, Microsoft is actually being somewhat consumer friendly here. As a PC gamer who hates the very concept of consoles I appreciate Microsoft essentially all but ditching console exclusives.

Thank you. I was wondering why people think exclusives are a good thing. it just fractures the community.

I can’t really argue with this.

XOX is already helping Pro, Witcher 3 is now getting a patch for both when with just the Pro alone, it wasn’t. Rising tide lifts all ships.

I get why it sells less Xbox’s, but why are articles like this shaming them for that?

You have to keep in mind that the Xbox One X is made for people who have or will be buying 4K sets. The One S is the “regular” console, meant for everyone. Yes, you can do a bunch of other stuff on a PC, but people will be purchasing the One X so that they can show off their shiny 4K TV with Destiny 2 and play some

I am both a PC and Xbox gamer, because sometimes I like to sit on the couch and I like the function of the xbox as essentially a smart-tv without all the shitty smart TV UI’s.