
I want to go to there.

It wasn’t just that UPS kept guys with a DUI on the job, it was that they would put them out in a truck with a driver/helper - the very same situation that UPS refused to do for pregnant women, because they saw it as “special treatment”.

Like the case of the pregnant woman who sued UPS for discrimination. They fired her because she asked for help if she needed to lift a heavy package, which was a rare occurrence for her since she mainly handled letters. People went apeshit saying she was asking for “special treatment”, “pregnancy is a choice”, etc.,

You don’t understand. Getting rid of all those programs that support poor people will help them because job creators bootstraps capitalism GREATEST COUNTRY EVAR

OMG, I hate that “you should be flattered” line. There’s this guy who keeps commenting on the appearance of various female workers at my office (including myself), and his excuse is always “but it’s a compliment!” I wanted to kick him in the balls.

Another junior faculty member (male) implied that I should be flattered that a tenured male faculty member described me as “attractive" to a student, and that said tenured faculty member was too stupid to be taken seriously. Thanks for the support, bro!

I’ve gotten into it on some pregnancy board with women who say things like “I don’t need more than 12 weeks of maternity leave” and “why should my employer accommodate my breastfeeding?” They refuse to believe they deserve any better and it’s mind-boggling to me.

You should be thankful you’re allowed to have a job where you can be harassed! Did your eyes fall out of your head from rolling so hard at her?

The same could be said of the U.S. prison system.

You’re expecting religious fanatics to make sense? It’s like that extremist Jewish group in Israel (Lehava) who “protect Jewish women” from dating “Arab men” by... naming and shaming them, harassing them, ostracising them, etc. Or all those Islamic countries that insist “protecting” women means oppressing them in

I live about an hour and change from the U.S. border but when I compare my life with a few American college friends and my American cousins, it’s a world apart. I had a full year off on maternity leave for both my kids. My first pregnancy required specialized pre-natal care, my second baby was in NICU for a while,

It’s funny*, yesterday, while reporting harassment by colleagues to Human Resources the woman taking my formal complaint said “it really is all about perspective,” then proceeded to talk about how revolutionary it might seem to Saudi women that they just got the vote, and how that is old news to Western women. All I

Because he IS smug and awful.

Women = uterus to those people.

Yes, because it actualizes the woman’s primary function: reproduction. The highest duty and role of women is to give birth, haven’t we been making that clear for centuries?

“Pro-life is pro-woman”

The U.S. healthcare system

women betrayed? you got that part damn right.

This report will just make Republicans and right-wingers want the US to withdraw from the UN even more.

nothing i love more than a strongly worded UN letter