It sounds more to me that they don’t want someone else to have their baby, not that they don’t want their baby.
It sounds more to me that they don’t want someone else to have their baby, not that they don’t want their baby.
Well, there’s no way to tell how a kid would feel about that, so making decisions at this point based on that future person’s feelings is pretty pointless.
the ethics of clone-fucking
To be fair, they don’t think of embryos as property. They think you should be allowed to do whatever you want with your property.
We discussed this specific situation at length in my reproductive technologies class in law school. There’s no “correct” answer ethically speaking, and there isn’t one legally, either. Best case scenario is that neither family includes a batshit crazy parent, and everybody is consulted and on board with the final…
There truly seems to be no empirically write or wrong decision here.
Chicago wrote the textbook on Democratic political shenanigans.
and that fixes what? i’m black, but i know there are many examples of corrupt and racist black politicians as well. i think the problem that needs to be addressed is more intricate than changing the color of the mayor. but, i am just speculating.
Would any black mayor suffice, or do you have someone specific in mind?
It’s the Magnificent Mile, not the Miracle Mile.
I thought I’d at least try to facilitate discussion. I have argued with other people (fruitlessly) on the internet who were arguing in favor of those morons from a while back carrying assault rifles into family restaurants as a “demonstration” of their 1st amendment point being, “Okay, so if I’m that…
Thinking about that further. Guy shoots someone. “Good guy with gun” (GGWG) shoots him. Another GGWG hears the shots, runs around the corner, sees a dude shooting someone. And shoots the first GGWG. Repeat ad nauseum. (And then the cops finally show up, and see a chaotic shootout between an assortment of random…
This guy is, at best, a callous, obtuse asshole who does not care a bit about victims of these terrible events. How about thinking of those who died there and the families and loved ones left behind, you fucking dipshit.
I’m a UT student, and some things people should know:
These groups are staging their little “protest” during our finals week, in the middle of the day, when we’re all rushing around trying to take our tests. This is the week when we’re most likely to be stressed and at our breaking point. These assholes could’ve picked…
Oh look, a fake Hitler quote! Gotta love the chutzpah.
Sooooo...can someone help me with the logic here?
There is a legitimate discussion around whether women should get separate titles for doing the same job as men. Part of the argument is that it is a way of othering women even when they are performing the exact same role. Why do we need words like actress, chairwoman, waitress, etc. if not to bring attention that the…
Where is this concept that Transformers panders to straight white males coming from? The film grossed 350 million domestically and a whopping 1.1 BILLION globally. So either the film is watched by a very diverse group of people or I’m grossly underestimating the amount of white people in Asia. So while the film is…
Langley is an unusual bright star in the deep dark abyss that is the condition of women—let alone truly powerful women—in Hollywood.
“I call the tower!”