That is so fucking gross. “Hey, you’ll just go through a serious medical procedure that costs a lot of money so I don’t have to wrap my dick, right?”
That is so fucking gross. “Hey, you’ll just go through a serious medical procedure that costs a lot of money so I don’t have to wrap my dick, right?”
Or how do we help women in the 26-35 age range who would like to have children but are questioning whether they will ever have enough financial stability (because we don’t have great paid maternity leave and it’s impossible to afford anything bigger than a one bedroom/studio in most of our major cities even with a…
Same. I’m actually in between methods right now (IUD couldn’t be inserted, implant won’t go in for another week and it’s been about 6 weeks) and my partner and I just don’t have sex. Period. Not having kids is an enormous priority for me, and way more important than resolving any pants-feelings. I am not ok at all…
Yeah. If you don’t know what you want, you should use contraception until you do know. There is a very specific situation in which getting pregnant unexpectedly could be a joyous occasion.
The worst nightmare I’ve had in a long time was one where I dreamed I was pregnant. It made me want to go get and IUD or a hysterectomy. My husband had things taken care of on his end many years ago so I’m 99.9% covered but I feel sick thinking about that dream.
There’s also something creepy about the subtle “accidental pregnancies may make some childfree-by-choicers someone embrace motherhood” message. Sure, it’s true for some, but overall, isn’t giving women as much control over what happens to their body as possible for the best?
A thousand times this. I’m super happy an accidental pregnancy turned out ok for a reasonably well-off white woman. For most of us, an accidental pregnancy would really fuck us over; physically, financially, and mentally.
Yeah I got a goldilocks vibe at the beginning, like “This birth control isn't effective enough, this birth control is TOO effective :("
Me too. I have an IUD, my husband had a vasectomy, and yet my mother still says in her sing song gramma voice “you never know, accidents could happen! I know lots of ladies who got pregnant in spite of IUD or vasectomy! Tee hee hee!” *fist punch of death*
This is reading really privilege-y to me. There are some who have the privilege of accidental pregnancies being okay, or even welcomed. If that’s you, then don’t get an IUD. No one is making women get IUDs if they don’t want them.
Ambivalence towards birth control seems like a recipe for disaster. Unless both parties are on board for a baby should fun times result in pregnancy, it seems pretty dangerous to just assume that all will be just fine should it happen. I’m much more in favor of planned pregnancy and taking proper precautions to…
Fascinating. I don’t feel this way at all. I am deeply committed to not getting pregnant, and always have been. I have nightmares about finding out that I’m pregnant. I reflect almost every single day on how grateful I am not to be pregnant or have kids. I’m almost certain that I would get an abortion if I did get…
These discussions are always so focused on ourselves. Pregnancy by definition involves multiple people (a partner in reproduction who also consents to becoming a parent, a future child). Creating a whole new human being shouldn’t be a matter of “whoops”, and there’s no reason to be nostalgic about a time when it more…
Betteridge’s Law in full effect.
Um, why are you discounting Netflix like that? Do you think Idris Elba is the worst actor in the world because he is also starring in a Netflix movie? Of course not. Like it or not this might be the way of the future. Plus it beats going to the theater
Wait, am I just drunk or did the director invoke the Noble Savage? Because JESUS CHRIST NO.
Sandler just been phoning it in. Good Lord, Netflix. Do you really want to take a chance on this guy instead of funding another project?
Off topic, but we need more Carol Burnett gifs on this site.
This will bomb so hard. I saw the “PLEASE WATCH THIS TRAILER!!!!” thing on Netflix this weekend. I was like NOPE. I finished watching ‘Jessica Jones’ and went about my way. Every time I watched an episode, the Netflix attempt to get me to sign on to the Adam Sandler movie thing was more and more desperate. No one will…
It’s kind of a big deal when a number of American Indian actors walk off in protest. They might have valid concerns.