
For what it’s worth, I’m black and I’m turning it off for now. I need a couple of days if I’m going to keep engaging with this. Nothing but baking pies and looking and puppies until next week.

Those 16 bullets cost the taxpayers of Illinois $5 million, and a piece of their collective soul.

Unfortunately that’s how misogynistic hip hop is, right? That a rapper not calling his girl a bitch is some kind of feminist accomplishment lol

Have you hung out with any nuns lately? I went to a school with a convent on the grounds, and saw nuns all the time. Most nuns don’t live their daily lives in full habit. You’ll usually find nuns wearing a skirt (mid-calf), nylons, a collared shirt (which can be short-sleeved), and a headscarf that leaves some of

I always find the nun thing to be a bit of a straw man argument. Nuns are a small subset of certain Christian denominations, who decide as adults to take special vows of chastity and devote their lives to God. Meanwhile, many Muslim girls are strongly encouraged to cover themselves from head to toe as children,

I don’t think the headscarves themselves are harmful; the ideals behind it are, absolutely. I wonder if “reclaiming the headscarf” is a thing, like reclaiming the n word. Maybe some Muslim women don’t wear headscarves because they feel like every woman should in the name of modesty. Maybe they’ve reclaimed the

I agree. I'm an atheist and a feminist and I see the issue of veiling as rooted in enforced modesty and slut-shaming, no different from telling girls they can't wear tank tops or yoga pants.

I'm sorely tempted.

My favorite is the dumb motherfucker who didn't read the piece and thinks Obama ruined America. He's precious.

Oh ok, silly me. I was looking at statistics, not the the totally unsupported opinion of a person on the internet.

you're a 100% correct

Ah, ok. I thought you were gonna say it was ruined by women getting the vote, or Brown v Board or the civil rights act, or Roe v Wade, but it's just expanded healthcare coverage and an unemployment rate that, despite it's enormous spike in 2008, has gotten consistently lower til Obama took office that you're opposed

lol did he just #notallslaveowners you

I cannot argue with such flawless logic.

I know what a baker's dozen is. It generally refers to baked goods. Egg are traditionally sold in cartons as a set of 12.

You've never actually purchased eggs, have you?

This is logically flawed in many ways.

"Once great nation"? When exactly was this nation *better*?

"this once great nation"

It's telling, still, that the best and most practical idea I heard all weekend is predicated on the worst, most misogynist impulses. From a sorority sister of mine whose actual sister—also a UVA alum—is now a police officer who works with victimized women: "Make it a taboo for frat boys to hook up with blackout