
On top of that, I had no idea who Ripps was before this. Or Adrianna Ho for that matter. Also, are these people actually "known?" Like, Ho is described as some powerful businesswoman, and Ripps is described as some sort of shadow patriarchal force with all this money and power and prestige. But does anyone outside a

The biggest issue with Ripps' art is that he is someone you can't just ignore.

I believe Ripp when he says "his 'Ho' paintings are a reflection on Smartphone social media being a "new site of aggression and anxiety in the age of the 'virtual male gaze,' where the archetypal macho painter has been emasculated." But that doesn't make it better. By his own admittance he's reducing a person—Ho—into

i dont get it

Ripps claims he is making a statement on "the inaccurate synthesized artificial beauty passing as everyday,"

I am not a fan of visible zippers either.

omg no

This is disgusting in about a thousand different ways. The least of which is - what about simple copyright infringement? Visual artists cannot use a photographer's photos for derivative works without permission. Please note: Shepard Fairey

Oh there are definitely ideas about how black people should be. I get alot of "you're not like those others," which is always hilarious because on paper, I am the very shining example of "a bad one". I just don't internalize it though, for some reason. Experience has shown me that people who interact with

Hey Donald. Nice to see you. Could you take your ashy larry ass away from me and go find one of those Asian girls you're so creepily obsessed with? kthanxbai.

Yeah nope no no no no non o no nonononononono NO. Sorry not down with Glover. Never will be. Due to previous comments he made about black women especially regarding black women and comics / nerd culture. Still haven't heard jack shit on an apology on that. Sorry. You get's no love from me Glover. He sometimes

love of mayonnaise (not stereotypical black)

I tried to watch his stand up show "Weirdo" on netflix but it was so difficult not to cringe. It felt like he was trying to hard to be the "cool funny black friend" to get approval from a group of needy white guys. I dig his music but his stand up just wasn't for me.

I have mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he's funny and smart and soooooooo fucking cute! (One of the things that bugged me most about Community was that Jeff was the sex symbol, not Troy, and how can you possibly suspend your disbelief that much?)

Yes, I have no time for Donald Glover's problematic ass. I'm surprised they didn't interview him for Light Girls since they seemed to pick black men with fucked up color issues to interview.

Yeah, his extracurricular gum-flapping has made it difficult for me to even enjoy old episodes of Community.

Everyone loves who they love, but there's a fine line between preference and pathology. This stuff doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I'm a black woman (a pretty good lookin' one if I do say so myself). And I always get checked out by the black guy dating his non-black girlfriend. But I don't let it get to me.

Plus, we can't forget the whole "rape jokes are a-okay!" thing.

I do hope that he has changed a lot, because last time i checked he really does have a weird fetish for Asian women and he said that he does not like Filipino women because they are the "black girls of Asians" and he is always trying to put down black women.