Oh, please. The mother tried to cover her own ass by saying it was a "paintball" accident. Fuck her and her gun. This is her fault and her husband's fault. The only ones I feel sorry for are her victims.
Oh, please. The mother tried to cover her own ass by saying it was a "paintball" accident. Fuck her and her gun. This is her fault and her husband's fault. The only ones I feel sorry for are her victims.
Except that criminals have a much easier time getting guns if they're legal. There are always gun shows, private sales and straw buyers who can turn background checks and gun licenses into a joke...and they do, every day. Organized criminals and gangs are getting their guns through a vast gray market entirely enabled…
I've lived in a high crime area for fifteen years. Most of my neighbors have been broken into. Some more than once. Not us. I don't think anyone's willing to try it with my dogs, but thank you for your concern.
I don't see how lying to the cops about whether your kid shot your other kid with a paintball gun or a pistol is going to protect your kid. It sounds like, at the best, trying to not get in trouble for having an unsecured loaded handgun where your kid could access it and shoot your other kid.
As a father, I hope you will look at the actual statistics and realize that any child in the house is many times more likely to be hurt by the gun in the house (or hurt someone else) than ever to be protected by it. Home invasions are vanishingly rare. Accidents where children hurt or kill themselves or others are…
if that's true then why do countries with strict gun control (Australia, for example) have significantly less gun deaths than countries without sufficient gun control?
You are not a liberal.
Fire a couple of shots
intothrough the wall into the neighbor's house, frighten the crap out of them,no one is hurtkill a kid. I can always fix the wall.
Agreed. I was never against gun ownership until I saw how insane some "regular citizens" got about the prospect of regulation, then I got a little worried.
I'm guessing we're taking about the American Academy of Pediatrics, and if so, they're generally considered to be a very reliable source.
How the hell else are you going to use it to fend off all those numerous home invaders?
Well, uh, we can't write a law just for Irresponsible Chris, so that is what I want. Responsible Joe is going to have to adapt.
The NRA is actively dismantling training programs. I don't think safe storage is really a priority.
It's not "The Criminals" getting kids killed or shooting up schools. As far as I'm concerned, they can have their guns. It's the regular citizens that I'm worried about.
Well the crib might have been in the parents' bedroom. But still, what the actual fuck was a gun doing loaded and unsecured in a house with children?
It sounds more like the crib was in mom's room, and mom was a fucking moron who kept an unsecured gun handy. Just...I can't with these stories.
If only there'd been a good 5 year old with a gun to stop him.
The gun, which was loaded and unsecured, was stored on a shelf built into the bed in the victim's home, and in the same room in which the victim was laying in his crib.
Whenever this happens* I always think about the kid who pulled the trigger. How do you deal with that as you grow older? (Or in the immediate aftermath AND as you grow older for older children.)