But I thought our magic vaginas had ways of shutting pregnancy down if raped?
Fun fact: the Steubenville Fire Station once caught on fire and burned down. So your assessment of this backwards little backwater is pretty accurate.
It takes a village...to perpetuate rape culture.
I never liked Ohio.
uh...why not both?
Seriously. In a country with basically no paid maternity leave, this guy gets a 14-month paid vacation as a reward for criminal activity. The mind, it boggles.
Wow, so that whole "Your rape baby is actually a gift from god" argument isn't holding up? Whodda thunk it?
Can we get a list of all the crimes we can get away with committing if we get a paid, 14-month vacation and then quit our jobs afterward?
We'll need to know your race and gender first.
there's not much else goin' on in steubenville
Football is so important to some communities it's...kind of sad, really. I'm from The South and I see it first hand everyday. I mean, football can be cool and all and tailgates are fun, but some people don't know where to draw the effing line.
He will also be ineligible to work for the Steubenville school district ever again.
Because football.
Meanwhile, we've got New Mexico trying to pass laws that criminalize post-rape abortion because it's thought to be "tampering with evidence". Then some guy who actually tampered with evidence in a rape case only has to quit his job to avoid criminal charges.
"McVey was accused of destroying evidence related to the rape case, including deleting emails and wiping hard drives that had files detailing the district's investigation into the rape. He's also accused of creating bogus email records, and directing his staff to do the same"
Can we get a list of all the crimes we can get away with committing if we quit our jobs afterward?
I haven't followed the case very closely but I'm betting one of two things: either we have a prosecutor who isn't interested in justice or we have a prosecutor who doesn't think they have enough evidence on this guy.
What the hell? The entire plea deal was he gets off entirely if he quits his job?