Penises have a pretty well documented history* of violence, so...
Penises have a pretty well documented history* of violence, so...
I see. I've read further. I misunderstood what you were saying. Thanks.
Are you suggesting that people of colour and women are not interested in the job because they all have successful acting careers?
I am pretty sure they did it so that a hoarde of angry Dommes marched on parliament.
Way to carry on the stereotype of uptight, repressed society British Parliament! Protect the citizenry from debauchery!
Seriously. I've seen pornos where a man face fucks a woman so hard she vomits. Have NOT seen the same of facesitting, but there it sits in the life endangerment camp.
Just for that, I'm going to watch facesitting porn right now. That's how committed to this cause I am.
she is walking argle bargle.
"It makes one wonder, why do you not just get up and leave. Or why do you not as a woman tell a man who's making advances that you're not comfortable with, 'You know what? Stop. Leave.'"
But what did Costello and CNN producers think they were going to get when they booked her? A nuanced discussion on a very real and troubling aspect of life on college campuses? Please. Princeton Mom's whole view on women and relationships is straight out of a 1950s home ec class.
Does she really carry an orange pen and wear orange-y scarves to reinforce her pathetic, self-proclaimed 'Princeton' brand? I'd like to complete the look by stuffing a large Navel orange into her mouth so we never have to hear any argle-bargle from her again.
Deep in the pockets of the sinister Paisley Mafia and the powerful Oversized Hair Clip Lobby
I think they're woven from the greasy locks of MRAs who passed whilst fighting the good fight.
right? i say equally outrageous things, but at least they aren't victim blaming. people should interview ME at LEAST as often as her.
beginning to suspect "princeton mom" is actually a robot controlled by a cartel of sentient polyester scarves
I know. I'm honestly sad to see the Colbert Report go :(. It's so good!
But how do we know people would want this super cushy job that's basically guaranteed for life like the Supreme Court? Where you get to meet with very talented/interesting people and joke around and have fun forever? HOW DO WE KNOW.
this reminds me of some fucking idiot commenter who was like 'DO WE EVEN KNOW IF WOMEN WANT THE JOB!?!?" like go fuck yourself. poc, women, woc- people not white men are interested in this fucking job.