
I am always perplexed by the strict nature of Greek organizations (particularly sororities). They are very active in protecting their image and protecting themselves from liability. I fully understand the reasoning, but it has always rubbed me weird. This kind of adds to it - why is there such strict policing of the

I'm talking specifically about this instance - The Harajuku Girls - its basically taking Tokyo fashions and cultures , watering it down and geisha-fying it and then putting herself as the head or the leader of the movement or group.

Uh... Of course they can take care of themselves. It doesn't make it any less insulting to have executives try to pass you around celebrities to draw attention to the brand, especially if you're married. The article doesn't dismiss the women; the industry and the famous men do. This article is merely pointing that

except Gwen is specifically talking about the material she gives them to appropriate back. its not a ping pong match - she thinks of it as that way, but if you look at it, they're taking Tokyo fashions and Japanese culture, using it in songs - but a watered down version which strips it of their cultural significance.

I think the line is: she took lovely Japanese women, renamed them: Love, Angel, Music, and Baby and as far as I know, these 4 women never did interviews, sang, or spoke to American media. Now, the girls and Gwen may have had the BEST TIME EVER doing all of this but it just LOOKS bad. It's like.. say Lady Gaga decided

eh, to each their grossed-out own!!


Menorrhagia, you mean what happened to me for 27 out of my last 30 periodatin' years? And nobody ever told me it was a thing? Jeeezus! The more you know!

Hi Mark,

Between this and rosebudding, I am officially grossed the fuck out by just about anything Mark writes. Which I think is his diabolical aim. Bastard.

it could have been worse. there could have been actual shit.

As a medical student with a hobby of coming up with food related analogies for everything, I would like to thank you for the heretofore stolen "Boba Pearl".

i feel like on the shrayber scale this is like, maybe a 6 or 7.

Sorry, I gotta call BS. I'm a kindred moon sister (12 day-long menses, clots that can be measured in in. vs cm, abandon all hope, ye tampons who enter here, etc). You'd absolutely inspect that knob before gobbling on a "heavy flow day", shower or not, if it just came out of your clot-cave.

The early-2000s were a weird time on the Internet.

Many times, I log into Jezebel because I've been hard at work on the academics and need a break. Most of the time this works. Other times, I am left doing this because a story contains the phrase "boba pearl of discarded uterine lining":

I remember first seeing this and laughing my ass off... when I was a teenager.


Jesus Fucking Christ Mark. Add this to the evergrowing list of therapy bills I'm mailing to you. God damn.