I don't love Sorkin, but that first monologue in the pilot that went on for about 2 minutes sums up about all of American politics today. I can't begrudge him that, although the rest of the show was terrible.
I don't love Sorkin, but that first monologue in the pilot that went on for about 2 minutes sums up about all of American politics today. I can't begrudge him that, although the rest of the show was terrible.
In 2013, 105 police officers and federal agents died in the line of duty (35of them because of accidents and 10 because of heart attacks.). In the same year, there were estimated to be more than 400 civilians (a lot more, as the vast majority of agencies do not report the deaths to the FBI) killed by police.
Questions? I'm threatened by questions! BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM!
When black people just walk around flagrantly waving their race in the faces of those poor, poor, put-upon police officers. I mean, these minorities don't even have the decency to try to pretend that they're white!
amen amen amen amen, you need to stay chill if someone is shooting at you. IF SOMEONE YELLING AT YOU ENRAGES YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU ARE NOT FIT FOR THE JOB OF A POLICE OFFICER. nor are you fit for the following
Is a Fox News ticker honestly suggesting the greater public be "re-educated" by the authority in power?
If cops cannot deal with criticism or percieved insults how exactly do they handle drug dealers, gangs, domestic violence calls, drive by shooters? They have no business being cops if they can't deal with words. St Louis cops and especially their union went to meltdown mode over 5 football players with their hands up.…
When the only penalty they ever faced, even before RS issued its statement, was being forbidden to throw parties for a very short period when school was not in session, I think saying they have a "great deal at stake" is ridiculous.
Seriously. The more Greek defenders speak, the worse they make the system look. I'm getting pretty sick of the persecution complex they have going. The worst is when they compare criticizing the Greek system to racism.
Of course they're subjective! My issue is that if you're into a form of music dominated by white dudes, you get to act like you're an expert on all kinds of music and decide which music is canonical based on your own personal preferences. Whereas if you're not, it's understood that you're genre-focused. Like, Rolling…
My 12 year old's favorite band is Fall Out Boy. He likes Imagine Dragons a lot (my 6 year old's favorite), too. He listens to the same radio station I do, so mostly alt-rock and indie. My youngest (the 6 year old) is a rock kid. He was singing along to the Black Keys at 2, loves the Ramones, Nirvana, Green Day, etc.…
"The generation gap back in rock?" I'm 53. I own "Nevermind." My daughter doesn't.
Let's add "Cali" to this list.
Sonic Highways is meant to reflect Grohl's own fandom and musical upbringing
Even if it's true (I can buy that it's true), what the fuck does Kanye have to do with the Foo Fighters?
Kanye West, an artist as complicated, heart-driven, and relevant as Nirvana ever was
Does anyone know if Roman Polanski has a star? Probably not but, if he does, can someone with a Sharpie do a girl a favour?
It makes sense that an institution with a history of telling women how to not get themselves raped would now start telling black kids how to not get themselves shot.
OMG, that is so fucked up. It reminds me of the time I was riding the Paris metro to work early one morning and this dude sat next to me and asked me out for breakfast. I was like "umm no, it's 6am and I really just want to sit here in my pre-caffeinated grumpy haze." He got more and more agitated, started pacing…