
Religious exemptions? Are you fucking kidding me?

"Male nurse sentenced to two years in jail for raping woman's corpse."

I think she says awful things to get a laugh because she wants people to like her, so she goes for the quickest shots she can. I've always thought she was quite insecure, hence all the plastic surgery!

I'm sorry the woman is a dick to people but every-time someone do the same to her she can't take it.

She is so useless and unfunny. Seriously, she can't answer a few questions? Thin-skinned whiner.

This is the first time Joan Rivers has made me laugh. What a hypocrite.


William Shatner?

Is there any person out there that doesn't love George Takei? I don't think it's humanly possible to dislike him.

I'm old enough to remember her on Carson. A lot of her humor was the self-deprecating I'm-so-hideous crap but she was also just fucking mean and almost always to women.

She is perfectly lucid. She has an established career. She's not some dementia or Alzheimer-riddled old woman. I don't give a fuck if she's drunk or on pills. She is still able and should take responsibility for her actions. Your defense and brushing-off of such disgusting statements is part of why she and others

Michael Richards has been given a pass. Woody Allen has been given a pass... Seinfeld has actually said some racist ass shit... Jonah Hill JUST said some shit. Other careers would be over.

Sorry you don't get the in jokes that we Joos who own all the banks make. Go paint some swastikas on a synagogue while we continue to pass out free bigot cards to our own.

Having PTSD doesn't make a person a racist or transphobic.

Exactly! It seems like a pretty well-worn trope that strong black women invariably have their femininity attacked. No surprise that this is playing well with the Tea People.

I'm also going to add racism to that, and you basically have your main dickweed categories.

I am in full agreement with your post but honestly...

So she calls Obama gay, because Michelle is trans. I've seen people defending this as a joke, but it really is a terrible joke. It's based on the ideas that 1) being trans is inherently a negative, secret thing and 2) men who are attracted to trans women are gay. It's really a hat trick of anti-Obama, homophobia, and

And Louis C.K. is a close personal friend of theirs who has been on their show several times and kept his mouth shut whenever they would go on racist tirades. Tell me more about how he is the patron saint of feminism again?

I still hate Nancy Grace with the fire of one thousand suns.