Having been raised by two alcoholics, I can tell you right now I would have much preferred stoned parents than angry, sloppy, rageful, incoherent drunk parents.
Yes, you are right that the sky is never really falling like the pundits say it is, and there has been this kind of “worst person ever” politics around since the Roman Republic, but come on man. Bush did come fairly close to destroying America. He squandered an unprecedented surplus into an unprecedented deficit,…
“Who you callin’ a petard? Your the petard.”
Speaking as a trans woman, this couldn’t be more true. That’s where we take gender norms to destroy them, and it’s also the main conversion site where we recruit the children. This is a crushing blow against our war on The American Way.
One room for boys! One room for girls! Intersex people get to shit in a cupboard!
Whelp, looks like I'm just gonna have to continue never going to South Dakota again.
Oh I fucking quit. I cannot process how the fuck there are people this evil just walking among us. Fuck these people, I hope their dicks are slowly eaten away by necrotizing fasciitis.
Bookmarked, and so excited. Also, I read your comments in Kate Mulgrews voice.
Look, I’m just going to throw this out there. Part of the blame for this problem needs to fall at the feet of people who oppose comprehensive immigration reform.
Truly. I wasn’t there. You weren’t there. None of the people criticizing this man were there. Who is to say what the “right” thing is under the circumstances? I’ve never been told to do anything at gunpoint, so I have no idea what I would do in such a situation. My daughter is currently training for her black belt, so…
In your monogrammed thermos
Well thank goodness you made sure to point out some of us do not have the option. Full time: Exec Assistant and Reception at a small real estate office - there IS no one else. Part time: radio - again, no breaks. So how about an article about how the American people have squandered all of their “worker’s rights” by…
“last place I worked was populated by *asshole bullies*”
This is WAY too common, describes way too many people’s workplaces. There needs to be some f*cking *anti-asshole legislation*.
I don’t take a lunch break because my asshole company wants me to stop the clock while I’m lunching, so a “9 to 5" is really either an “8 to 5" or “9 to 6.” I have a family and other parts of my life that I like a lot, lot more than my job, and I have a commute through some of the worst traffic in the country. I grew…
Yeah, I’ll leave the patient bleeding in the chair while I go eat leftovers from last night.