I have much love and fond memories for my baby $2k wedding, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have preferred a big blowout.
I have much love and fond memories for my baby $2k wedding, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have preferred a big blowout.
I am on board with you for the most part. People who don't tip because they have some weird "moral" issue with it will burn in the fiery pits of hell.
I have weird oily/sensitive acne prone skin! I figured out a couple of years ago what my secret is: less is more.
I work for a retail company with a really intense corporate culture. We are expected to live and breathe that culture, and it gets a little tiresome. In an already demanding industry, we work longer hours than people in other companies for lower compensation and nearly no benefits. We are also a company where upper…
It's cool, because the whiny pieces of shit who love to abuse return policies are just going to verbally abuse the sales people and get whatever they want anyway.
That GIF is majesty.
My eyebrows, you guys.
I am a straight, cisgender woman. I am also a vocal activist for GLBTQ equality. I view Aziz's position in the feminist community much like my own in the GLBTQ community. I will never know firsthand the struggle that they face on a daily basis. However, my love for my friends and family who are a part of that…
I remember being about 10 years old and feeling a profound sadness because of the animals at the circus. These days, that sadness extends to the zoo as well, because our hot desert is home to polar bears and other cold climate critters. Humans can have a blind spot when it comes to animal wellness, especially when it…
True story: about a month ago, Mr. Hudders and I were in Santa Few for the day. We turn a corner on the plaza and nearly run over Kelsey Grammer. My husband's favorite show is Frasier, and he is full on star struck. Kelsey sneers a bit, and offers a hoity toity "Pardon," before moving along.
I love broccoli. I have always loved broccoli. When offered the choice of broccoli and most other foods, I will eat broccoli.
Dude, my ex did exactly that. It's the epitome of insecurity, always having a back up because you're too afraid to be alone. I think a lot of people grow out of it as they get more mature and confident. At least you walked away before it got too much more complicated...
When I was 22, I was dating an Airman. Sweet guy, a little lonely since he didn't know anyone in town. We were exclusive, but not too serious, at least on my end. I was getting over an extremely serious relationship, and he had been recently divorced. I didn't find out about that until about 4 months in, though.
I am a retail store manager, and therefore am quite aware of the consistent requirement of jubilance in jobs that don't necessarily foster genuine enthusiasm. I do enjoy my job - working with people is extremely satisfying for me. My employees all seem to enjoy themselves to a decent extent, although most of them have…
My mother's best friend was nearly beaten to death by her husband in front of her sons. Because the guy was pretty high up in the Air Force and the assault happened on base, he was basically given a slap on the wrist. She left him, but during the divorce she was mandated to continue visitation with that murderous son…
When I met Mr. Hudders, we were both pretty damaged people. I was a childhood abuse survivor - he was a former Marine with PTSD and a nasty ex wife. I had recently gone through a period of indiscriminate promiscuity: hooking up via Craigslist, at bars, what have you. This was not, in my case, a healthy pattern of…
I rant about this on the reg. I also believe we should get an extra tax break for not overpopulating the earth with more babies. But, alas, all I get is hardcore side eye from people and judgment about my life choices.
NM prisons are pretty awful, especially when you get outside of ABQ. Working as a legal assistant in college at UNM, we took a lot of upsetting cases out of San Juan County, and many of them involved rape and assault of inmates, corrections officers, and visitors.
When I heard this story, I thought it might have been my brother in law's family, since they are similarly full of class and have also resided in hotels in this illustrious area of town.
I love it when guys randomly buy me drinks from across the bar. Lowers my bar tab, and I often hand the drink off to my husband with a thumbs up to the Lothario for his kind gesture.