What makes 8/24 so special? Why don’t they celebrate Kobe on 24/8?
What makes 8/24 so special? Why don’t they celebrate Kobe on 24/8?
Hopefully this doesn’t happen, but if this kid can’t figure it out and become a productive kicker in the NFL, is he a bust?
I don’t think you would win that bet.
Should I get sushi or pizza tonight?
A little off topic, but fuck marketing. “NEW SUPERIOR BOTTLE - FASTER HYDRATION” are you kidding me?
Clearly you haven’t seen the music video to the song. In the end, the person that does all of the misogynistic and terrible acts turns out to be.....wait for it...... a woman! See? That makes everything ok! Right?.........guys?
Looks like mid race crashes really drive Van Riessen up a wall!
It is not racism because people with red hair are not a race.
Holy crap, how did he know it was a Charmander inside?
Please stop using hashtags outside of twitter.
Proverbial: “It’s real to me, dammit!”
That is a funny way to phrase that!
Dwight Howard dunked that ball.
Good one!
This is pretty good!
This is a great story but I have to ask, what’s with the picture of Draymond Green?
Jenkins: “CAN I GRADUATE?!”
Hahaha scares chil’ren and black labs apparently...
And it looks like he’s still fighting the good fight now...
What the hell is the point taking a selfie in front of a huge Lebron picture if you are going to point the phone down and not up to get Lebron in the background?