
I’m assuming the word “and” is missing between the two ands: “It’s more more accurate to say that the ‘majority of women’ will need...” Guessing it’s the fault of the quoted article, but just wanted to let you know. Good article.

Lol, is this a joke? I’m not sure if you’re trying to troll or not. You care that much about fake online shit? I am simply having a discussion with you, which I started by saying “Get Fucked.” I don’t understand where you’re going with this. However while we’re at it, your comment has 4 stars, so that should tell you


You realize by commenting and clicking on this article you’re only promoting the publishing of similar articles? Does it really hurt you that much to have this article and ones like it on this site? Or are you just trolling? Feel free to comment again and again so this article gets more clicks.

Oh god, comment so good I wish I could forget it and re-read if for the first time again.

Hahaha, that is excellent.

Good lord, what is going on. I wish he had autotune. Or stopped singing.

Who forgot to tell me they would all be there? WHO WAS IT!?

People could simply type messages into a lobby and rank up? That is the most hilarious exploit I have ever heard of. How is something like this not caught immediately? Seriously, if anyone has an answer, I want to hear it. No sarcasm.

Lane Kiffin and Steve Sarkisian are LIVID. And drunk.

Not really, he did some good things, but was also a businessman. Hard to balance both in a society that values money over everything.

I mean, no.

This guy gets it.

Per google he has an estimated net worth of $22 million, but I don’t know how much he has made.

Because their heads are so far up their asses they can’t see the light of day.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Actually, let it.

What the hell are you even talking about? You sound crazy.

I feel like you have your answer.

Let’s check in with the Sandusky famil- and oh my god never mind.