Dr Archeville

I think I’m just tired of Rick and Morty. Like, the show is technically good in the sense that it still gets some good jokes out every now and than but the show is just not interested in actually growing the characters past the point they already are. Which is frustrating because they keep teasing the idea of

Consider it a fair warning, now you don’t risk being unexpectedly exposed to Logan Paul

What’s wrong with Shadowrun Returns?

You could say Fallout is... Destiny’s Child... in a wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey sense.


I remember watching a playthrough of Fallout on youtube some years back. What struck me at first, since I had never seen the original Fallout in action before, was how much the gameplay and overhead view reminded me of SNES Shadowrun.

I enjoy how two of the movies we think of canonical classic of this era, His Girl Friday and It’s A Wonderful Life, only became thought of as such due to copyright lapses and the subsequent wide availability. Makes you wonder what other films we’d hold up as greats if everyone and their mother had watched it a hundred

Reading that last part my hand involuntarily started back-slapping.

Plus, there’s shit like New Mutants. In which Sunspot, a character who is supposed to be Afro-Brazillian in the comics, is played by a white guy in the movie because the Director/co-writer didn’t care much about colorism and wanted someone who “looked rich”.

This fucking year I swear.  You can't catch your breath without something horrible happening.  He was one of my favorite Mythbusters along with Jamie and Kari.  I'll always fondly remember him beating a polygraph test and having this hilarious but still relatable victory breakdown.  Poor guy, rest in peace.

This is rehashed every time the game is brought up I know but man I really wish there was a third person option for this. I have the same issue with stealth in first person and in general, have an easier time with perception in 3rd. I absolutely love everything I’m seeing about this, and if it even hits 1/100th of the

“I knew the last guy who wore that costume. He was a big, dumb idiot, too.” 

And I like the costumes! It’s nice that this show’s not going the colour-coded leather route of other modern superhero shows

The fight scenes were a lot of fun, especially Sportsmaster vs Hourman - I know from TMNT that some dude with a sports fixation can be a formidable opponent but I didn’t expect Sportsmaster to be so...ruthless? “Good for you, kid. That looks heavy.”

I highly doubt they will make Cheshire be her sister in this show too, it was an element added only to the ‘Young Justice’ show, Artemis was an only child in the comics.

Those sound like season two storylines.

Artemis is one of my favorite characters from Young Justice, so I’m hoping they do her justice here. Also curious if her mother Paula will end up paralyzed like she was on that show, and if Artemis’s sister Cheshire will show up. 

Honestly, the science fair project being “so sweet” was an intended pun, right?

  • I thought that with the football opening it would either focus on Henry Jr. as the QB or Cindy as a cheerleader. Nope, it appears to be the beginning of Artemis’ origin story.