And that’s just our neighboring planet. Our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, is about 4 and a half light years away which means it would take a whopping 9 years to get a response to any communications sent between us and them.
And that’s just our neighboring planet. Our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, is about 4 and a half light years away which means it would take a whopping 9 years to get a response to any communications sent between us and them.
I think its worth pointing out that they didn’t decide to do this out of the blue or out of the goodness of their hearts.
You left out The Boston Busing riots of the 70's. The death and injury of two men in December of 1986 at Howard Beach NY at the hands of a mob of white teenagers. The Central Park Five’s bullshit conviction in 1989 and a certain Editorial by a fat, repulsive, sexual predator in The NY Times. The murder of Yusef…
There’s so many younger players who just take it all for granted and speed through the game, But I love Shirley’s pure enjoyment of the game. Her innocence and wonder she brings to it. She takes her time and carefully explores the world. She’s very mindful what she grabs and what it’s worth.
I read the article and .... I will never been as passionate about anything as Greg Weisman is about Gargoyles.
In his book he makes it quite clear that he didn’t deliberately tank ‘Gargoyles’, but goes into extensive detail about how he would have done it if he had.
She is, although her day job is running the Gaiman Foundation and I know she does a lot of work with foundations that help the homeless in San Francisco. His kids (at least, the adult ones) seem to have turned out pretty well.
Are they seriously asking their on-the-ground employees to confront law enforcement and defy a lockdown order?
Believe it or not, making a model that can be destroyed spectacularly is harder than you’d think. In general, Lego is a pretty sturdy medium. To make a model explode into a thousand pieces (as opposed to just coming apart into a few large chunks) requires building in specific points of weakness, all while still making…
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.
“You, uh... you don’t pay me.”
The original offers one flavor of Gremlin. The sequel offers us a variety of Gremlins, some I didn’t even know I wanted. Salad Bar Gremlin, where have you been all my life?
Number of gremlins played by Tony Randall in the original: 0
Number of gremlins played by Tony Randall in the sequel: 1
Exactly this. It’s nice that the pendulum has swung back to recognizing Arneson more, although not to the level he truly deserved.
Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.
After handling a 3 year old all day, your energy for grandstanding about protesting fast food protests is rather diminished.
Kevin, I respect you and you’re probably my favorite contributor across all of GMG, including your video appearances.