Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

It’s very simple - the game is of you clearly both into escalated, and will running challenge through, of course. It’s says exactly on what is the tin!

I am not sure you know what value is.....  this is a bunch of junk, even at 1/3 of that price I think you would be getting ripped off. 

I don’t know if “Twitch bait” is a game genre, but if it was, this would be the prime example. it seems purpose built, with extreme haste, just to farm “oh no he fell off and he’s having a bit of a rage” highlight clips for social media, there doesn’t seem to be anything more to it other than a desire to cash in on

While this place is great and the owner’s a good guy that place is worth (IMO) about 10K-30K tops based on the existing inventory. A million is Looney Tunes money for the “leftover” game inventory that is there. It’s about 95% bulk commons and 5% upper tier stuff. Not a single item there breaches about $300.

Only Up essentially copied the “Getting Over It” thesis of using disposable “trash” to create something new and interrogate said trash’s place in culture....except without any of the commentary that comes along with it. GOIWBF literally narrates it’s thesis to you over the course of the game. It’s script is in open

Another dog shit ironically unenjoyable cash-in tears up the twitch charts for its fifteen minutes. Everything about this absolutely screams asset flip and scam, and scrupleless influencers of course eat it up hand over fist. You could lead the entire body of twitch streamers off a cliff if you told them it was

The game is a manufactured Foddian/Getting Over it game meant to cash in on Twitch streamers trends to get its 15 minutes of fame for free advertising of its NFT bs called goblintown. So you’re telling me this possibly may have used an asset without permission? I’m shocked, shocked, i tell you.

Yeah, pain to kill and drop usually worse than normal elites.

The goblins kinda suck in this game anyway. I don’t doubt that they have better drop rates than normal monsters, but it’s not enough to get me excited when I see one.

The problem is, when a studio even fails at developing homogenized, sterile work. Because let’s face it: Gollum wasn’t anything extraordinary that hasn’t been done before by smaller studios with greater success and a simply better product. anyone actually waiting on a patch for this game? There’s like 7.9 trillion other games to play, why bother waiting on this one?

This sucks because I really like their point and click adventure games - though it is a bit of a niche genre. It’s a sad sad reality of how the industry works that they are shutting. I went to school for game development but ended up just sticking with IT since it’s such a volatile environment. Studios and projects

I’m mostly certain that game development is one of the most unfulfilling professions one can undertake.

Is this sponsored? Why on earth are you promoting Gamestop? Gross.

Is this a paid post? Why are you shilling for GS if not? This is not much of a deal. 

This is an ad, so it is false advertising.

A current “buy one, get two free” deal on used games

No, that’s their reaction to Bloober’s statement: good.

This is just a deflection because Bloober hasn’t made any truly great horror games. They are basically saying, “Yeah, yeah, we know we didn’t do great in the past but now we’re doing mainstream horror! Trust us, it’s going to be awesome.”

This isn’t Silent Hill either.  Bloober still doesn’t understand the assignment.