I agree that the vitriol is mostly unwarranted, but the state of the game is far from fine. They've been phoning it in for ages now. And PvP folks have been completely ignored for ages.
I agree that the vitriol is mostly unwarranted, but the state of the game is far from fine. They've been phoning it in for ages now. And PvP folks have been completely ignored for ages.
Was tempted to buy this, but then I remembered that Mega Man games kind of suck.
They kept trying to resurrect twisted metal and it keeps bombing. Arena car combat is just not something people are interested in anymore. I think a lot of its early appeal was also in how “dark and edgy” the series was at the time, which is also not something that really appeals to the current generation either.
“There isn’t really anything challenging about it though, it’s just tedious.”
I mean, inventory management is like 70% of the challenge the game brings to the table. Without it, you’re basically just a bot rotating through the same seven button presses in pretty much the same order and occasionally positioning your character... But sure, I guess they could make it even more mindless
If you think nude mods are significant enough to require serious introspection, you must live a blessedly simple existence
“combat" in most 2d platformers is barely more than giving you another platform to jump on
No, I don't think link between worlds will ever be on switch. Luckily, it's only ok and doesn't even come close to link to the past's quality.
Welp, I guess he could have done worse things with his money. He could have bought an nft.
Yup, also, it was barely more than an AC reskin when it came to actual gameplay.
Exactly how I took it. They missed the point entirely. Dude can’t wrap his head around the idea that gamers don’t want to engage for 200+ hours with the same game anymore. He heard the complaints and then his brain tried to reconcile them with his firmly held belief that “bigger is always better!” and came up with “mak…
That argument keeps getting weaker as more and more games ship in an incomplete form that requires an additional download or require day 1 patches to be playable. Your physical copies are highly likely to just turn into pretty coasters when servers shut down all the same.
RTS games are niche and the overlap between rts players and players who like cute, simplified games on consoles is pretty slim. Of course it doesn't sell.
Nah, characters creation is just a chore to me too. I'd rather someone who knows how to make a good looking character design one for me than to spend time doing it myself. They always feel like a waste of time. Once I get into the game, I start covering them in armor anyways and it all feels completely unnecessary
I mean, that shit is pretty obvious. Dude was a dumbass in every possible way.
“equal to what we see in real life" != Something that looks good on a screen while I'm playing a game
Yeah! Love stop motion stuff. The house was awesome and this has me more interested than I've ever been in watching a pokemon series.
Yeah, layers of fear was... Clumsy at best. Felt like a bargain bin attempt at amnesia.
As a bi person, some gay characters feel like representation. Most of the characters being gay? That feels like cynical pandering. All I can do is roll my eyes every time blizzard announces another gay character in overwatch
Does it really matter at this point? Everything is going to be dead or on the verge of extinction due to climate change in a couple decades anyways. We’ve done fuck all to avert it and we’re well past the point of no return.