Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

Lol, this is some goofy shit to just have on hand for your teens. Especially if you actually, you know, communicate with them. Condoms, pregnancy tests... maybe plan b, and post info for family and mental health services on the fridge. If you don’t know that your kid is in situations where they’re going to need narcan

Same. Not even just due to shit like this though. They’ve pumped their ips for so much money that they’ve sucked all the joy out of them. Each game is just a tedious, repetitive rehash of the previous one. Even their new ips are just reskins of their old ones.

Lol, keep digging that hole deeper you pedo piece of shit. “No guys, don't you seeee?! If the conditions are just right I can totally have sex with a child!!!"

Found the pedo. Gotta make sure everyone knows your version of wanting to rape children is a special case, huh? Transparent as fuck shithead.

The problem is that recruit is so easy it’s boring. They need a difficulty in between, a bump to rewards and difficulty in recruit, or a nerf to difficulty in veteran.

Yup, it needed a lot of tweaking to keep the gameplay loop enjoyable. They leaned a bit too hard into the thematic elements to the detriment of the game’s ability to keep people playing, but I think they could easily improve it.

Hell yeah! This game was cool as fuck. I had the theme on my ps4 for ages after they shut it down. They just needed more and more enjoyable mini-games (even though them being a chore fit the theme well) and to work on some balancing issues. But the core ideas were solid and the aesthetic and themes were impeccable

It really is. Not just a good game, but a completely unique and effective approach to storytelling.

I checked out in under a minute and ended up at q1 2022 too so don’t be too hard on yourself.

You... can already play pc games on the tv in myriad ways. You can just, connect your pc to your tv. That being said, you don’t need the dock to connect your steam deck to a tv.

Gacha isn’t a genre, it’s a mechanic.

Lol, most of the puzzles are still a cakewalk. There are like 2 or 3 in each area that require actual thought. The rest you can brute force your way through. If you don't want puzzles in your games, maybe don't play a genre where that's a fundamental mechanic?

Ugh, tell me about it. It's like every time we get noisy about something being broken they get revenge by breaking another feature. I'm slowly trying to switch to Polygon for my gaming news, but I keep coming back here out of habit.

No shit. It’s like the perfect clickbait. Controversial topic that they can plaster a picture of an attractive woman on. It’s still trash tabloid-quality content.

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

I’m a couple hours in and the claim that this is the best metroidvania is insane. Hollow Knight, Symphony of the Night, Super Metroid, Axiom Verge, are all far better games. Dread is too hand-holdy and constantly interrupts the flow of the game with cutscenes.

Yeah, I’ve found myself not really giving a shit about them. If I die, whatever. It auto checkpointed ten seconds ago. It takes more time to sneak through an area than it does just to dash through it and get killed a couple times on the way. They were way too lenient with save and checkpoints.

I wouldn't bet on actually being able to resell it

Yeah, I uh. I need to pretend this doesn't exist

Yup, bigger is not better any more. They need to chill out with the adding more approach to sequels and refine instead. Tell me the next assassin’s Creed is 30 hours long and the map is 1/3 as big as odyssey, but it's all story and there are 20 interesting side quests instead of 500 trash ones, and then I'll be