Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

To be fair, a lot of the assassin’s Creed shit in black flag was some of the worst assassin’s Creed shit in the series. So many “trail this person/ship for 15 minutes while listening to plot exposition” quests... Good thing the piratey stuff kicked ass

It's too early for that. Maybe once the current generation of consoles is readily available



Yup, I’ve tried all of them, and the input lag has, without fail, driven me absolutely crazy. It’s like when you’re streaming a show and the audio is just ever so slightly out of sync with the video. At first you try to ignore it, but eventually you just give up

No worries, just ditch the rationalization entirely. Seems to work great for most assholes

Yeah, I think dalek-dex was hoping for something along the lines of the slot Sony adds to PlayStations, which is definitely not the norm, especially for handheld devices with sd card slots. Replacing the drive looks pretty damn easy to me

This video was fucking awesome. As someone who regularly does his own repair work on smartphones, repairing this looks relatively painless. Can't wait to get my hands on this

If that were the case, this video wouldn't have been made at all. It's strictly a liability disclaimer.

I am slowly trudging through the first season of this show. So far it’s just a montage of generic anime tropes in quick succession. Still waiting for it to get... Good? Unusually over-the-top? A single memorable character? I don’t know what is supposed to make it work, but it’s certainly nothing special so far.

I am slowly trudging through the first season of this show. So far it’s just a montage of generic anime tropes in

Yeah, Sora is bland as hell without any of the Disney accompaniment. He's just generic jrpg protagonist no. 300 on his own.

I’ve made my case and clearly I’m not the only one who feels like this is an issue. So, I’ll just leave you with a bit of advice. When people tell you they are experiencing something, the correct response is never to tell them “no, you aren’t experiencing that.” You know what that's called right? Try listening

The idea was to solve a gameplay issue that plagues third-person action games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, where players can lose track of their character in a crowd of enemies.”

It is not. It’s a messaging service with end to end encryption created by a non-profit organization. I’m slowly talking friends and family into migrating to it. Imo, if you have to switch platforms, it’s better to switch to one that cannot collect your personal info by design, created by an organization with no need

Good time to start transitioning to signal

Lol, it's a picture of Giuliani wiping his face with his own snot

I don’t even have an Instagram account. I’m not going to create one to listen to someone explain how laws that will very clearly impact gay and effeminate men aren't really so bad because they're doing it "for the children"

Are you equating effeminate men with pedophiles and child porn?! Jesus, it doesn’t sound like American media is far off at all.

Yeah, I realize MRAs and other assholes have made it especially difficult to have a reasonable conversation about heterosexual male sexuality. All I can do is assure you that there is no additional agenda here. I support feminism, acknowledge my privilege as a straight, white male, and believe our society has been an

I mean, yeah, they’ve got experience releasing to a global audience, unlike the detergent company who released that godawful thing. But, on the other hand, it's frequently impossible to overestimate the awfulness of people, so I wouldn't bet my livelihood on it

And here it is again. I’m automatically assumed to be a “red-pilled weirdo” for defending straight male sexuality at all. It’s ridiculous that you think I’m the worst of the worst because I took the stance that men should be able to express attraction for women. Control your knee-jerk reaction. You need to be able to