Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

Yup, very close to my own thoughts on the issue. Did we earn this? Lol, yeah watch any movie from the 80s and then try to argue that we didn't. It wasn't that long ago that misogyny was running rampant through society completely unchecked. Is just flipping the script and forcing men to suppress their sexuality the

Agreed. My comment was just a related tangent. I'm not defending the tweet. It had no place on a corporation's social media account and it makes sense that it was taken down.

Cool, let’s resort to name-calling and more ad hominem attacks. Another healthy solution to social issues.

Perfect example of how shameful it is to express anything about male sexuality at the moment. Someone immediately assumes that I’m advocating for a return to the bullshit of the past. Nah man, none of that should come back. But it’s perfectly fine for men to be attracted to women, and even talk about it in a way that

They’ve kind of dropped the whole hilichurl origins storyline entirely. I highly doubt it was ever leading to “all the black people turned into monsters" though. Even mihoyo is smart enough to avoid that dumpster fire of an idea

Yeah, I’m very concerned about the future of genshin with the new censorship laws in China. Lots of effeminate characters, lots of unapologetic same-sex flirting. Curious to see how this all plays out

We’ve entered this weird phase of society where sexuality is great except for male heterosexuality. Women lusting after male characters? Great! Men objectifying other men? Right on! Women talking about how horny they are for other women? Fuck yeah! Men being attracted to women? Oh hell no!

Its probably their half-gen upgrade. The New Nintendo Switch. Minor spec upgrade, seven games that actually require it. 15 more than benefit from it (mostly from no-name dev studios). Probably still a couple years off

Jesus people. Have a little perspective. Players were hoping the genshin devs would give them something along the lines of a free five star character once a year. It's something that costs the developers nothing as a token of gratitude for the billions of dollars players have given them over the past year. It's like

Knowing modern Nintendo, they’ll call it something completely baffling to consumers like Nintendo SwitchUp

Cute, I suppose, but it's stressing me out just imagining trying to play a game with inputs that small

Beyond anything else, the camera in this game makes it nearly unsalvageable. I had to flat out quit because it was making me sick by constantly spazzing out in close quarters, moving around in bizarre ways, etc. They’d need to completely rework the camera for me to even be physically capable of playing this game again

You're crazy. That's the best change to the series in ages.

God that game. I tried so hard to get through it back in the day. Made it to like the third run through that godawful giant boss with the wiggly toes before I was overwhelmed by loathing and gave up on it.

Actually you know what? Maybe my comment is 50% about me being a bitter asshole. I don’t even know anymore. I'd delete it if I could.

That’s fair. That is mostly what I read game reviews for.

See my earlier reply to Historia.

Agreed. That’s not what needs to be fixed.

I don’t disagree with the opinions. The only thing I’m calling out is how these issues completely dominate the review and the author seems to be digging deep for some of them to the point where it seems like it’s less about the content of the game and more about their own insecurities and hangups

Opinions are subjective, but saying that doesn't fix this review.