Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

I feel like this review is 50% about the game and 50% about you.

Oh god, skip all the more recent bullshit and go play Super Metroid first. It’s phenomenal. I too hate the NES metroids

You're being nice. Animations like these look cheap as hell. Completely ruins what might otherwise be a fantastic looking game

Yeah, the evidence that Ed isn’t in this keeps piling up. One more reason this is going to suck (although I never believed they’d be able to do Ed in live action right anyways). I just rewatched the series a couple months ago, and she is absolutely essential. Everyone else is so glum, she balances the rest of the cast

After playing through about half of it and realizing that I was actually kind of hating the combat and there was way too much of it, I ended up giving up on pyschonauts 2. Seems like this will scratch the itch that psychonauts 2 failed to scratch.

I’m not just talking about it not being 4k 60 fps. Look at the textures and lack of detail on the buildings in the background. This looks like a game from 10 years ago.

Areed, bloodstained scratched the itch, but it was a far cry from the best Castlevania games. Lots of janky fights and lame enemy designs

Lol, wait a minute, that sounds like the expansion pack is actually a more expensive subscription?! So you have to pay more every month to access a few more old-ass games? Honestly, fuck you Nintendo. Everything about NSO has been bullshit

Lol, Quest64 was such a huge disappointment, and yet somehow that's one of the first titles that popped into my head when I started scrolling down looking for the list of games. So, I guess I've been disappointed by quest 64 once again

Ugh, this looks like shit. Being a switch exclusive isn’t doing it any favors. I’m not usually obsessed with incredible graphics, but Bayonetta is all about the big, colorful spectacles. Even in the trailer it all looks washed out and low-res. This game could be so much more on another platform.

Maybe stop buying a game full of awful shit like this? Just a thought

Love qiqi's design, but she kind of sucks at healing. Diona is much better mechanically imo

If you only have one 5* at this point, that’s on you. You’re guaranteed a five star every 90 pulls. And there are plenty of free primogems for that

I'm at what I'd consider the current end-game, and I only run healers for abyss. Your party doesn't always have to have one

You’re already getting torn apart for this article, but man the timing is awful. And to consider putting money into a five year cd any time soon seems outrageous. Interest rates will definitely go back up in the next five years. You don’t want to lock these godawful rates in any time soon.

We aren’t demonizing sexuality. Women are free to dress any way they want to and express their sexuality any way they want as well. They want to wear the exact outfit in the painting that was editted out? Great, go for it.

Haven't bought much furniture from them, but the set of dishes I bought chip if you even so much as look at them. Combine that with the absolutely abysmal shopping experience and I have no intention of ever going back.

Also, the gameplay in genshin is pretty damned addictive too. It’s a dangerously effective combo

Too much about this doesn’t make any sense. Why let random people take thingstthings from the house? Why couldn’t the owner explain where the games came from? If the facts don’t make sense, they're probably lies.

Lol, yeah. That bit annoyed the hell out of me too. She provided context by not providing any context at all