Look I'm Woody! Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

Or, you know, pissed off with a society that has been pretending to make progress while secretly being full of shit for the past 100 years. But whatever. Be lazy and dismissive with you conclusions that make 0 sense based on my stance.

Lol, you clearly don’t understand how little I think of people in marketing if you think that’s my sentiment. They have no issue with objectifying a minor.

The last thing I discovered during my lore dive about Angrboda is that she is one of Loki’s wives, or more appropriately, he is one of her consorts, according to Northern Paganism. Aside from being an all-around badass warrior of Iron Wood, apparently in her culture multiple marriages are not unorthodox.

Let’s be clear here. There was progress to be made in the video game industry a decade ago. But what we’re seeing here, in this very example, is not progress. Do you think anyone in the planning meeting resisted the addition of Angrboda?

How much progress is it really when it’s just a bunch of liberal creatives expressing their liberal beliefs in a liberal echo chamber? Do you call it progress when you’re bullshitting with your like-minded friends over a beer about issues you all agree on? We’ve always dominated the entertainment industry. Making

Not what I said. Enjoy it all you want, but give up on the illusion that this shit is a sign of progress.

She’s an NPC in a gory action game that a tiny percentage of the population will play. Despite the increasing ratio of PoC and other minorities to white people in our media, half of humanity is gleefully embracing the most regressive, hateful political and social perspectives we’ve seen since the 50's. Forgive me if I

Considering that “average” height for men is considered too short by women on dating sites, but most women agree an average size dick is perfectly fine, I’m going to say most men would go for height.

I don't even remember it. Also not a good sign

Yeah, dick/ball jokes are timeless. That one didn’t need to go (even if it wasn't particularly funny)

Meh, I wouldn't care about a few trash games if they'd make it easier to sort and filter the games out there and improve eShop performance so it's not a pain in the ass to avoid them

As a huge fan of the original, I’m not sure a remaster is all that it needs to really grab people. While visual upgrades are nice, the combat needs a complete overhaul. Which probably would also mean all the combat encounters wouldn to be redone to balance the difficulty with updated combat.

Yeah, absolutely, although with those examples, the likelihood that they’ll lead to an actual human life are miniscule while a fertilized egg implanted in the lining of the womb in a modern society is nearly 100%. There’s clearly a limit to what level, we, as a society, are OK with terminating a life or potential

It’s not a human, but with modern medicine the way it is, it’s inevitable that it will become one. I disagree that the issue is as cut and dry as people like to pretend it is. I’d say it’s unethical to terminate a life before it begins. But is that life worth more than the mother’s? I think that ambiguity makes it

That’s the main character’s whole deal though! Traveler already came from another world! Aloy totally could too

Was kind of disappointed they didn’t give us a short story quest explaining how she got there, but it’s hard to be upset. They did a great job translating her aesthetic to genshin’s

Yeah, preorder this hideous plastic landfill fodder everyone!! Yay more plastic! More free loans to publishers!

Yeah, preorder this hideous plastic landfill fodder everyone!! Yay more plastic! More free loans to publishers!

Yeah, everybody calling out the fox news bit, but the reporter did all the explaining and just used tiny clips from the interview to punctuate his explanation. Really, nothing in the title of this article is accurate

Also the "launch edition" is usually the edition that retailers have in stock for a year or more after release. Barely more than a marketing gimmick

Lol, this game is not a threat to smash. Nobody at Nintendo is plotting to sabotage its launch by... Revealing its roster early. Also, I’m sure the assets used on the eShop were uploaded by someone on the game’s marketing team. Highly unlikely anyone at Nintendo is even at fault.