It looks like the art style in those kid’s bible story books.
It looks like the art style in those kid’s bible story books.
Brother still can’t figure out how to keep your printer accessible on the network reliably though. Everything else about their printers is great, but I only have a couple devices that can reliably connect to the damn thing without a battle (a macbook and my android phone, for god knows what reason). None of the…
Brother still can’t figure out how to keep your printer accessible on the network reliably though. Everything else…
Most people aren’t sociopathic enough to succeed in sales.
My interest in having a game collection died when I realized my kids didn’t give a shit about playing my old games and they were just one more thing to pack up and move from place to place. Also, with all the ways games are given out for “free” eventually, collections get devalued quickly.
It was sarcasm.
Well that’s dumb. I bought Ratchet and Clank, platinumed it, and then resold it for $50. But if throwing $50 into a void makes gaming better for you somehow, spend away, I suppose.
Ugh, no. It was kind of a mess. Braindead combat, an atrocious camera, and an over-reliance on grinding tedious combat challenges really killed that game.
Yeah, father of two teens. As others have said, it’s all about being honest with yourself about the reality of the situation. The more restrictive you are, the less they’re going to be willing to communicate with you about what is happening in their lives because they’re going to be afraid to tell you about how they…
Meh. I played about an hour of saints row 4. It was too stupid to hold my attention. “Lol random” can carry a joke from time to time, but it can’t carry a game for hours on end. Reeling it in a bit for the next game is a good idea
Lol, I’m sorry but they released their 90 minute game on steam and thought this wouldn’t happen?! Way to make shitty business decisions guys. This policy is no surprise
Same here. I’m watching the trailer like... oh crap, how am I ever going to fit another mmo into my life?!
Yup, that’s the root of the problem and was the problem with sword and shield too. It’s too sparse. Modern consoles can handle far more dense visuals. And as you're adding density, you're gonna naturally need at least a couple models for trees.
I don’t think they released any pictures of Ed yet, but I don’t think it really matters. There is no way for them to not fuck up the character in live action. Either they stick to the way Ed was in the anime and end up with something unwatchably cringy or they turn Ed into another generic hacker type with an awkward…
It’s going to suck, but that's some decent cosplay, at least.
Just rewatched it over the pandemic. It holds up very well. All of the concepts it addresses are just as, if not more relevant today than they were in the 90's.
Well that’s just fucking stupid considering how it comes across as supportive to their opponents and alienating to anyone else who isn't in on the joke.
It's an entirely different beast. It's more a platform for games created with their dev tools than a game in and of itself.
It still doesn’t make sense to consider the game’s genre to be something that was little more than an afterthought at launch.
Agree on all of those points. It’s still funny that you consider its genre to be something it could barely do at launch.
Nearly done with it, and I’m enjoying it overall. The soundtrack was one of my favorite parts of the first game, and I feel like he nailed it again. Definitely agree that the combat could be much better. I too have been tearing apart bosses by just getting close to them and mashing attack as quickly as possible.…