Proving, once again, that god is an asshole
Proving, once again, that god is an asshole
Appreciate the persona q mention. I actually enjoyed the hell out of them and would totally play through another.
Just noticed that Eorzea is nearly an anagram of Azeroth
Lol, hopefully the person buying it just wants it as a collector's item because there's no way in hell this weird one-off version of the OS it's running is getting any updates, ever.
It's been nine years since their last game
Yeah, one reason I’m glad it can be played mostly solo. A friend of mine has been talking about the game for years and hyping up how great the story is. He recently mentioned that a lot of people just sub long enough to play through the story and then unsubscribe until the next expansion. Not having enough time to…
This is fucking stupid. How long until the packaging naturally deteriorates below that rated quality level? 50, 60 years? This shit isn’t built to last. Paying that much to collect something that was built to be disposable is beyond foolish.
Yeah, I’m nearly 40, single parent (kids live with me), with a more than full time job and I still enjoy difficult games too. Depending on the game, I’ll play it on a harder difficulty setting because I need to be challenged by a game for it to stay interesting. Definitely more selective about the games I play due to…
Holy crap, I wasn’t aware of the latest layout. I’m not the person you replied to, but I’m definitely going to be using that instead from now on.
I always hop into these threads to back up the few people who managed to appreciate what that game brought to the table. One of the best stories since the snes final fantasies (although it could have used some more in-game explanations around the fal’cie because they were kind of confusing without reading at least…
I mean, it wasn't terrible, but at certain points in the game, I remember the similarities being kind of distracting.
I didn’t hate XII, but from level and enemy designs to the soundtrack, it’s pretty much just star wars with extra Darth Vaders
Yes! I’m a huge advocate for at least one weird ass creature in my jrpg parties.
Oh sweet! I had kind of given up on the next game since I didn’t see much news about it. It sounds like this won't complete the story either though? That's kind of disappointing. Seems unlikely we'll ever get the conclusion if that's the case.
My thoughts exactly. It was neat seeing ultra-realistic versions of the textures on their own, but the end result is less than the sum of its parts.
Knowing that more people are doing it makes it even worse.
I think that video is the first one I’ve actually watched of hers and Jesus, how do people stomach listening to that fake cute voice she puts on most of the time? Occasionally she was letting it slip as she went into detail about a thing, but then would pick it right back up while forcing unnatural enthusiasm for her…
It was definitely cool as hell getting the soundtrack with killer instinct on snes, but that's as far as it went until much later in the series. All the things I mentioned about guilty gear were there from day one
As a fan of both, guilty gear still wins this one. Music is at the core of guilty gear, from “heaven or hell, rebel one, let’s rock” to guitar welding witches, and characters named after rock stars. Killer instinct, on the other hand, just has great soundtracks on the music side of things.
I'm not the person you're replying to, but yeah, that makes sense to me too. If the main appeal of the card to the owner is its mint condition, than it would make sense that anything obstructing a view of the card itself would detract from his enjoyment of the card.